- Issue created by @Anybody
Loading a configuration value in a different language is DX-wise pain.
In many cases you don't have to care for getting the translation of a configuration value, as config_translation simply uses the active language to retrieve the configuration value (implicitly).
But there are cases, where you need to explicitly need to retrieve the config value in a certain language. Typical cases are for example:
For this, Drupal uses the following (not easy to find) pattern:
$original_language = $this->languageManager->getConfigOverrideLanguage();
$this->languageManager->setConfigOverrideLanguage(new Language(['id' => $langcode]));
Which changes the config language and resets it, after loading the value from the config.
To find the many use-cases of this pattern in core, simply search for "setConfigOverrideLanguage".
Some examples:
* Loads the given format pattern for the given langcode.
* @param string $type
* The machine name of the date format type which is one of:
* - One of the built-in date format types: 'short', 'medium',
* 'long', 'html_datetime', 'html_date', 'html_time',
* 'html_yearless_date', 'html_week', 'html_month', 'html_year'.
* - The name of a date format type defined by a date format config entity.
* - The machine name of an administrator-defined date format type.
* - 'custom' for a custom date format type.
* @param string $langcode
* The langcode of the language to use.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatInterface|null
* The configuration entity for the date format in the given language for
* non-custom formats, NULL otherwise.
protected function dateFormat($type, $langcode) {
if (!isset($this->dateFormats[$type][$langcode])) {
$original_language = $this->languageManager->getConfigOverrideLanguage();
$this->languageManager->setConfigOverrideLanguage(new Language(['id' => $langcode]));
$this->dateFormats[$type][$langcode] = $this->dateFormatStorage->load($type);
return $this->dateFormats[$type][$langcode];
* Implements hook_mail().
function user_mail($key, &$message, $params) {
$token_service = \Drupal::token();
$language_manager = \Drupal::languageManager();
$langcode = $message['langcode'];
$variables = ['user' => $params['account']];
$language = $language_manager->getLanguage($langcode);
$original_language = $language_manager->getConfigOverrideLanguage();
$mail_config = \Drupal::config('user.mail');
$token_options = ['langcode' => $langcode, 'callback' => 'user_mail_tokens', 'clear' => TRUE];
$message['subject'] .= PlainTextOutput::renderFromHtml($token_service->replace($mail_config->get($key . '.subject'), $variables, $token_options));
$message['body'][] = $token_service->replace($mail_config->get($key . '.body'), $variables, $token_options);
While I think this is a valid pattern and can be helpful in complex cases, it's not very self-explaining and easy to find. What I would have expected would be one of the following:
$config->get($id, $langcode = NULL)
functionMaybe there are better ideas.
At least this pattern should be documented somewhere, I think? Really wasn't easy to find.
In my case, I needed it here:
for sending mails in user language.
Would be great to discuss!
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