- Issue created by @aspilicious
- 🇧🇪Belgium aspilicious
This adds drupal 11 support but it's very unusual to have a complete instal (including .ddev) folder inside a module.
Try to restructure your module to remove any dependencies that are not needed.The updated composer file in the patch is a start in the right direction.
- 🇧🇪Belgium matthijs
Thanks for the patch.
With the current setup you have a dedicated dev environment for the module. I agree it's not common, but it eases development a lot.
The unneeded dependencies are in require-dev, so they aren't installed when you install the module in your project. The only thing that would be visible it is the scaffold integration (as in core mentioning that it is ignoring it). I will investigate if I can remove/prevent that.
matthijs →
committed 88ce1d20 on 2.x
Issue #3501943 by aspilicious: Add Drupal 11 support
matthijs →
committed 88ce1d20 on 2.x