- Issue created by @juxe
- π³πΏNew Zealand quietone
Changes are made on on 11.x (our main development branch) first, and are then back ported as needed according to the Core change policies β .
- πΊπΈUnited States phenaproxima Massachusetts
The "Update Extensions" page is actually not in core; it's part of the contributed Automatic Updates module. (Package Manager has no UI at all.) Moving to the appropriate issue queue.
- π¬π§United Kingdom catch
Since this is a user facing fatal error, bumping to critical.
We might need a second issue to try to investigate further why the executable can't be found too.
- π³π¬Nigeria chike Nigeria
Same issue here.
I installed Drupal CMS on a shared hosting server and visiting 'Browse' shows the error,
Unable to download modules via the UI: The composer executable cannot be found. Make sure it's installed and in the $PATH
- π³π¬Nigeria chike Nigeria
I tried to place a copy of composer.phar on my host server but that didn't work. This is what I did.
I navigated to the root of my host account where I have vendor folder then I ran the following commands:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
chmod +x composer.phar
Then I added this in settings.php,
$settings['composer_executable'] = '/home/username/composer.phar';
This doesn't work.
- π³π¬Nigeria chike Nigeria
I am sorry my issue is not really what this issue is all about - only related.
- π§π·Brazil btriest
I have the same issue here.
I installed Drupal CMS on a shared hosting as well and visiting 'Browse' shows the error,
Unable to download modules via the UI: The composer executable cannot be found. Make sure it's installed and in the $PATH