Translation strings skipped because of disallowed or malformed HTML

Created on 13 January 2025, about 2 months ago


I get the following error when I install the module on my german drupal website:

[error]  Import of string "Dieses Feld ist so konfiguriert, dass je nach Haltepunkt des <b>Bartik</b>-Themas in der Standardanzeige unterschiedliche Bilder (mit unterschiedlichen Zuschneidezonen/Seitenverhältnissen) angezeigt werden.<br/>
> <b>Haltepunkte für Bildstile:</b>
> <ul>
> <li>Breit (min. Breite: 851 px) => Klein (320 x 180) mit Zuschneiden 16:9</li>
> <li>Schmal (min-width: 851px bis max-width: 850px) => Mittel mit einfachem Zuschnitt</li>
> <li>Mobil => Mittel - (300 x 330) mit Zuschnitt 4:3</li>
> <li>Fallback => Klein - (320 x 180) mit Zuschnitt 16:9</li>
> </ul><br/>
> Um mit verschiedenen Reaktionen zu experimentieren, ändern Sie den <a href=„/admin/config/media/responsive-image-style/crop_example_responsive“ target=„_blank“>Crop Example Responsive Image Style</a><br/>" was skipped because of disallowed or malformed HTML. 
[warning] 1 disallowed HTML string(s) in files: translations://

The original string (and the translation) contains
which not allowed.

Steps to reproduce

1. Change language to german
2. Install the module

Proposed resolution

Replace the <br/> with <br> in the affected configuration. After that the german translation can be changed accordingly.

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇩🇪Germany lmoeni

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  • Issue created by @lmoeni
  • 🇩🇪Germany lmoeni

    lmoeni changed the visibility of the branch 3499308-translation-strings-skipped to hidden.

  • Merge request !42Replace <br/> with <br> → (Open) created by lmoeni
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    about 2 months ago
    Total: 165s
  • 🇩🇪Germany joachim namyslo Kulmbach 🇩🇪 🇪🇺

    Hello lemoni,

    thank you for reporting this issue. I'm pretty sure I messed this up. The reason this string couldn't be imported is that the opening quotation mark in the link to the image style configuration page created by the module's example code is missing.

    But since this is a translation issue, it's better to report the error in the issue queue of the respective language. In this case, here:

    Almost nobody does this in Germany, I don't know why, but it is so :-D

    As you know, there are 2 columns on the translation server: the original is on the left and the translation into the respective language is on the right.

    If the error is only in the right column, then it belongs in the above-mentioned issue queue. If you find an error in the left column, i.e. in the original string, then you have to report the issue in the issue queue of the relevant module.
    I have replied to you here: and also credited you here: 📌 Image Widget Crop Fixed . Because anyone who reports or fixes bugs deserves recognition without a doubt.

    Basically, the localization server always needs a little time before it makes the file in which a translation has been changed available for import again. I changed the string again earlier and now have to wait and see if the import goes without errors. As soon as I know, I will of course give you feedback or, if necessary, make further adjustments. After all, that's what I'm here for.

    So we can say: review in progress. Depending on how quickly the server recreates the affected file, we may be able to close the issue in just 45 minutes. Sometimes within a day.

  • 🇩🇪Germany joachim namyslo Kulmbach 🇩🇪 🇪🇺
  • 🇩🇪Germany ammaletu Bonn, Germany

    I activated the module on Drupal 10.3 with the changes from the MR, and the description of the field looks good, with the line breaks displayed as before. This can be merged.

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