- Issue created by @sylvain lavielle
- 🇪🇸Spain Iván Barrios
In addition, it would be helpful to allow the configuration of the horizontal and vertical spacing of the links in the main header and the top header.
https://www.drupal.org/project/artisan/issues/3497974 🐛 "Accent border color" field in Button theme settings works unexpectedly Active & https://www.drupal.org/project/artisan/issues/3493246 ✨ Artisan Styleguide refinement Active will be included soon which will make detect this kind of things in an easy way.
Besides please note that some options may not have been considered to be there like generic "links" font size as it may be a little strange to read an article body with text & its links in a different size, that does not occur with header links (menu links) as there that property has more sense to be customizable to increase main menu header links size.
Please also not existence of "hook_artisan_customizations_alter" & "artisan_starterkit_artisan_customizations_alter" where you can adapt all these presets to your specific needs in an easy way.
- 🇫🇷France sylvain lavielle
As mentionned by @crzdev in #4, having "font size" settings in generic "links" would be indeed strange. Though, having "Font family" in "Page header / Header Top Links" and Page header / Header Top Links" settings but not in "Page footer / Footer Links" and "Page footer / Footer Top Links" settings is kind of weird.
I already use the "hook_artisan_customizations_alter" to fix this, so there is no real issue here. If you consider the "Artisan - Customizations" form must contain only basic and most useful settings, that looks good to me. Despite, Let us know if you want to fix the "Font family" issue.
Related issue to refine base ( 3499643 ✨ Base refinement Active ) was also used to adjust missing font family into footer links & footer top links, also includes an adjust to apply customizations to any link not just menu links.
With that change all links customizations keeps with same options except "font_size" for base links, complete list is "font_family", "font_size", "font_weight", "decoration", "color" & "accent_color".
Please @iván barrios adjust issue title & description for adding padding (horizontal & vertical). please note that may have no sense for "simple links" but for "menu links", take that into account.
@sylvain lavielle Glad you managed to adjust customizations by using alter, nice to ear that :). We will credit you in related issue.
- 🇪🇸Spain Iván Barrios
iván barrios → changed the visibility of the branch 3497861-inconsistencies-in-themes to hidden.
crzdev → changed the visibility of the branch 3497861-inconsistencies-in-themes to active.
- Merge request !15Issue #3497861: Added the horizontal and vertical padding configuration → (Closed) created by Unnamed author
Thanks @iván barrios, analyzed solution with @alejandro cabarcos & decided to keep that customizable by alter as current approach opens the door to many use cases that can't be simplified just to two padding options:
- Logo link is affected
- Header top main dropdown link
- Header top inner dropdown links
- Header top nav link
- Header top other link (content block text with link)?
- Header main dropdown link
- Header inner dropdown links
- Header nav link
- Header inner nav link
- Header other link (content block text with link)?
- Also add to footer?So we currently decided to not make that so complex as you can always define your own customizations by alter or adjust header & footer default styles from starterkit according to your needs.