Add support for Paragraph entities

Created on 31 December 2024, 2 months ago


Assume we have a generic search index containing Nodes (Article, Advanced Page) and Paragraphs (various bundles containing title & body fields). Articles have a body field, Advanced Page has a multivalue paragraphs field. Articles are indexed. Advanced Page nodes are not indexed; their paragraphs though are indexed.
Upon clicking an article node, the user should get redirected to the node page; already supported by this module.
Upon clicking the paragraph entity, the user should get redirected to the advanced page node with the specific paragraph somehow set as active (eg. via a query argument). This functionality is supported by implementing in a custom module the hook_search_api_autocomplete_suggestions_alter() function... This is not enough though since the Live Results processor skips anything that doesn't have a canonical URL.
So to sum up, even though the paragraphs do come as a result from the index, the suggester doesn't display them.

Proposed resolution

From my point of view, there are two possible ways of solving this issue:

  • Add explicit support for Paragraph entities
    This has the downside that it opens the road for other module requests in the future which you might not be willing to do.
  • Introduce a new hook to modify the URL retrieved for the entity.
    This is much more simple and dynamic and with a proper description in the *.api.php file, nothing more should be required from your side.

Remaining tasks

Decide on the approach to use.

User interface changes


API changes

Possibly new hook introduced.

Data model changes


✨ Feature request






Created by

🇬🇷Greece vensires

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