- Issue created by @saschaeggi
- π©πͺGermany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
This looks good to me and works in my test cases. But we should cross-check with π Remove hardcoding #group for the status field Active to see why we got that second condition into that if-statement and whether the use case for people in the other issue is still resolved.
- πΊπΈUnited States paul121 Spokane, WA
This second condition was not added with π Remove hardcoding #group for the status field Active . It looks like it was added for π Ensure sticky action buttons to work with modals and ajax refresh-calls Needs review - https://git.drupalcode.org/project/gin/-/commit/a79946204257bd0c9d47fdfe...
I tested this change locally and am not seeing the issues I experienced in π Remove hardcoding #group for the status field Active
- π¨πSwitzerland saschaeggi Zurich
Thanks for confirming Paul π
Let's wait for another review
- π©πͺGermany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
I've checked the other issue again, thanks @paul121 for the links. I'm sure this is safe to merge as we're now checking for the widget type and that only has a value if the status field exists in the first place. It's then perfectly fine to add it to that group, if it's a checkbox.
- π¨πSwitzerland saschaeggi Zurich
Great thanks, I've issued a new release https://www.drupal.org/project/gin/releases/4.0.2 β ππ
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.