- Issue created by @wes.congruityworks.com
- 🇺🇸United States bluegeek9
I am confident it is the visitors_title. It is limited to 255 characters. I also recently stumbled upoun this error.
- Merge request !192Issue #3493568 by bluegeek9: Postgres: DatabaseExceptionWrapper:... → (Merged) created by bluegeek9
bluegeek9 →
committed ac112c9b on 8.x-2.x
Issue #3493568 by bluegeek9: Postgres: DatabaseExceptionWrapper:...
bluegeek9 →
committed ac112c9b on 8.x-2.x
I had a new error show in the log that is similar to this error that was previously fixed. The error message is below. While the errors are very similar, they are slightly different. There is a change in the table definition. "visitor_localtime" is the new column which is the 5th from the last column in the sql statement.
Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 7 ERROR: value too long for type character varying(2): INSERT INTO "visitors" ("visitors_ip", "visitors_uid", "visitors_title", "visitors_user_agent", "config_browser_engine", "config_browser_name", "config_browser_version", "config_client_type", "config_device_brand", "config_device_model", "config_device_type", "config_os", "config_os_version", "bot", "visitor_id", "visitors_url", "visitors_referer", "visitors_path", "route", "server", "config_resolution", "config_pdf", "config_flash", "config_java", "config_quicktime", "config_realplayer", "config_windowsmedia", "config_silverlight", "config_cookie", "pf_network", "pf_server", "pf_transfer", "pf_dom_processing", "pf_dom_complete", "pf_on_load", "pf_total", "visitor_localtime", "visitors_date_time", "language", "location_country", "location_continent") VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4, :db_insert_placeholder_5, :db_insert_placeholder_6, :db_insert_placeholder_7, :db_insert_placeholder_8, :db_insert_placeholder_9, :db_insert_placeholder_10, :db_insert_placeholder_11, :db_insert_placeholder_12, :db_insert_placeholder_13, :db_insert_placeholder_14, :db_insert_placeholder_15, :db_insert_placeholder_16, :db_insert_placeholder_17, :db_insert_placeholder_18, :db_insert_placeholder_19, :db_insert_placeholder_20, :db_insert_placeholder_21, :db_insert_placeholder_22, :db_insert_placeholder_23, :db_insert_placeholder_24, :db_insert_placeholder_25, :db_insert_placeholder_26, :db_insert_placeholder_27, :db_insert_placeholder_28, :db_insert_placeholder_29, :db_insert_placeholder_30, :db_insert_placeholder_31, :db_insert_placeholder_32, :db_insert_placeholder_33, :db_insert_placeholder_34, :db_insert_placeholder_35, :db_insert_placeholder_36, :db_insert_placeholder_37, :db_insert_placeholder_38, :db_insert_placeholder_39, :db_insert_placeholder_40) RETURNING visitors_id; Array ( ) in Drupal\visitors\Service\TrackerService->writeLog() (line 60 of /opt/drupal/web/modules/contrib/visitors/src/Service/TrackerService.php).
The stack trace from line #13 and higher is exactly the same as before.
- 🇺🇸United States bluegeek9
I don't think the error is caused by visitor_localtime. It allows NULL.
Maybe it is the language?
It could be the language field. Other than language it could be: location_continent, location_country. The error message is the same as before, a truncation error on a varchar(2) field. I am guessing that with the new column that it is possible that whatever code was used to fix the previous truncation error might be on the incorrect column now, if it is positional?
- 🇺🇸United States bluegeek9
How often does the error occur?
Is this error on a local/development machine, or production?
I see it in the log the past 4 days (not today though), one time each day. It is in production. Here is the latest location (the hostname and site name modified): http://myserverhost.com/visitors/_track?_cvar=%7B%227%22%3A%5B%22route%2...
- 🇺🇸United States bluegeek9
Hi Wes,
It looks like the browser language is not included/available.
With a resolution of 800x600, I think it is a wearable, or embedded device.
I created another issue to work on the error.
📌 Browser languare Null Active{ "7": ["route","entity.node.canonical"], "8":["path","/node/1"], "9":["viewed","node:1"], "10":["server","a87f84d82bc8"]} &_id=3b3e8f5e050b8447 &_idn=1 &_refts=0 &action_name=Custom software solutions | MyCompany Hosting LLC &cookie=1 &h=14 &idsite=1 &m=12 &pf_dm1=908 &pf_dm2=0 &pf_net=0 &pf_onl=1 &pf_srv=2 &pf_tfr=0 &pv_id=2SPdOc &r=679717 &rec=1 &res=800x600 &s=31 &send_image=0 &uadata={"fullVersionList":[],"mobile":false,"model":"","platform":"","platformVersion":""} &uid=0 &url=https://myserverhost.com/
- 🇮🇳India sourav_paul Kolkata
@bluegeek9 I'm still getting this kind of similar error even after updating the module 2.21 -> 2.23, while tried to rebuild device using drush visitors:rebuild:device as you mentioned earlier in this https://www.drupal.org/project/visitors/issues/3456340#comment-15669444 💬 Historical data not visible after upgrade from 2.16 to 2.19 Active to fix historical data visible issue.
Could you please help me?
- 🇺🇸United States bluegeek9
Hi @sourav_paul,
I addressed the bug in a different issue to clarify the change in the release notes.
📌 UNK: config_browser_name too long Active
8.x-2.24 will be released after 📌 Remove JavaScriptSnippet class Active is fixed.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.