Identify roadblocks to staging config in Workspaces (e.g., via wse_config)

Created on 12 December 2024, 3 months ago


We'd like to build a UI within XB that lets reviewers preview draft content (including both newly authored entities and edits to already published entities) before it gets published to the live site in order to have an opportunity to approve or reject it. Based on discussion in 🌱 Research: Possible backend implementations of auto-save, drafts, and publishing Active , we're fairly certain that we should use Workspaces as the entity storage model for this, regardless of how much of the Workspaces UI we end up using.

Within XB, "draft content" will include both content entities and configuration entities. For example, PageTemplate is a config entity containing the "content" that's within the global regions. (That config entity type is already in the XB codebase as of 📌 Introduce an XB `PageTemplate` config entity Active but making the UI use it and populate it is still pending 📌 Add support for global regions Active ).

Workspaces Extra includes a wse_config module for including config changes within a workspace. It does this by creating a content entity type to hold the non-live config data, and decorates the service to use this when in a non-live workspace.

The goal of this issue is to investigate if wse_config is suitable and ready for XB to use, or if there are concerns with it that we need to address first, whether upstream or within XB code.

Proposed resolution

The ideal outcome of this issue would include a proof-of-concept MR demonstrating an XB-edited node (or page once 🌱 [META] Pages Active is done) and an XB-edited PageTemplate config entity saved to a non-live workspace that can be previewed and published. However, per above XB doesn't yet have the code to edit and save the PageTemplate config entity.

In lieu of that, a video showing a user journey, completely outside of any XB context, using stock Workspaces and wse_config with a non-XB-related content entity and config entity, would be great, as a way of validating that wse_config does in fact work.

In addition to a basic smoke test confirming that wse_config works, what we need is a list of issues/concerns/problems to look into. Unless the situation is that wse_config works great and there's no foreseen problems with XB turning it on and using it once we have config entities to use it on, it would be helpful to know where the dragons are so that we can build that into our roadmap.

🌱 Plan





Page builder

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🇺🇸United States effulgentsia

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  • Issue created by @effulgentsia
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I haven't actually used wse_config but from speaking to @amateescu previously it works OK with config entities that have no effect on database schema, like views, and it doesn't work at all with e.g. adding or removing fields from entities for pretty obvious reasons.

    If we're talking about simple config like the site name + config entities like page templates etc., then that is probably covered pretty well though.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom alexpott 🇪🇺🌍

    @catch actually configuration is ignored by wse_config see

    Here's a video of wse_config in action - put it on youtube because it's a big file -

    Key findings so far:

    • You can stage config changes with wse_config
    • Revert appears to be broken
    • Conflict resolution is not in place. If you change a config on live before it is staged it will become automatically enabled on stage. Once a config change is made in the workspace it will apply over the top of any config changes made on live when the workspace is published.
  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    Hm, those key findings seem … concerning 🤔

    • Is reverting broken for deep/complex reasons or is it a trivial(ish) bugfix? I suspect and hope the latter! 😄
    • The absence of conflict resolution seems pretty fundamental? 😨 It seems super plausible and reasonable to at least have multiple Site Builders modify different regions in an XB page template (PageTemplate config entity). Throwing away the work of the Site Builder who was the latest to approve/publish their changes would be a poor UX.

      (I think not allowing concurrent editing of the same region might be acceptable, although I defer to @lauriii on that.)

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Workspaces doesn't have conflict resolution built in, but at DC Barcelona I talked to @hchonov and he is pretty sure 2.x branch would cover a lot of the needs for content entities - e.g. it can automatically merge two revisions of an entity when the edits are against different fields. Whether this can also be adapted to configuration entities I have no idea though.

  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    If you change a config on live before it is staged it will become automatically enabled on stage. Once a config change is made in the workspace it will apply over the top of any config changes made on live when the workspace is published.

    In the Experience Builder workflow, it should be never possible to make changes directly in the live workspace. All changes are made in non-live workspaces and then merged into staging which would be then published to live.

    it works OK with config entities that have no effect on database schema, like views, and it doesn't work at all with e.g. adding or removing fields from entities for pretty obvious reasons.

    Could we allow additions to database schema to take place immediately even if the change is done in a workspace? Theoretically this could work because even if we make the database changes, it shouldn't impact the live site unless they get exposed somewhere. In the case of adding a new field to a bundle, it would only get exposed if the form display and entity display uses that field.

    Deletions are trickier and should probably be handled differently so that the deletion only happens on publish. In this case, we would hide the fields from the user just like it was already deleted, even though the actual deletion would only happen on publish.

    I think not allowing concurrent editing of the same region might be acceptable, although I defer to @lauriii on that.

    I think we can work with the assumption that we don't have to merge changes within a single region. There may be use cases that would require creating alternative versions of a region, e.g., multiple proposals or an event that requires preparing to multiple outcomes. Based on that, the behavior might be just that the region gets overridden with the new contents regardless if other changes took place in between.

  • 🇺🇸United States effulgentsia

    For XB, I don't think it's a problem for Workspaces to not provide conflict resolution, because prior to performing a real entity save into a Workspace, we'll be performing autosaves into its own temp-store-like storage, and can implement either locking or conflict-free collaborative editing at that stage. @larowlan started jotting some ideas down for the latter in 📌 META: Conflict free concurrent editing Active .

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    In the Experience Builder workflow, it should be never possible to make changes directly in the live workspace. All changes are made in non-live workspaces and then merged into staging which would be then published to live.

    This would be easy to implement with generic form alters (at least for config-aware forms), config entity validation, config listeners etc. either in wse_config or an additional module. I could see sites using that without workspaces anyway to prevent production changes altogether, might already exist in that sense. But it wouldn't fix the case where there is a drush cim as part of a code deployment - seems like a site/team-specific problem at that point though, we can give people different foot shooting options they can choose between.

    Could we allow additions to database schema to take place immediately even if the change is done in a workspace? Theoretically this could work because even if we make the database changes, it shouldn't impact the live site unless they get exposed somewhere. In the case of adding a new field to a bundle, it would only get exposed if the form display and entity display uses that field.

    So that seems theoretically possible. e.g. allow field creation in a workspace, affecting live, allow other config in the workspace to depend on that field etc. It's basically the same as if you deployed config for the supporting field (or added it in the live workspace), and then built the workspace on top of it.

    The tricky bits without giving it loads of thought:
    1. It will show up outside the workspace for other admins and potentially other workspaces could also add config that depends on it - maybe this is a feature rather than a limitation?
    2. Discarding the entire workspace might be hard to do, but I guess it is not necessarily that much different to deleting a field for any other reason.

    Possibly aspects of 1 and 2 are just informative messages in the UI that the config is 'special' and not completely isolated.

    There are some places in core where you can configure fields to immediately be displayed in view and form modes, we would need to at a minimum ensure those are off.

  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    It will show up outside the workspace for other admins and potentially other workspaces could also add config that depends on it - maybe this is a feature rather than a limitation?

    Isn't this primarily an UI concern if we are able to identify that a field was added in a workspace? I would imagine we'd have to be able to identify fields that don't exist in the live workspace anyway to make sure that they don't get exported in a config export.

    Discarding the entire workspace might be hard to do, but I guess it is not necessarily that much different to deleting a field for any other reason.

    Given that we are isolating the use of the field to the workspace where it is being added, couldn't we delete the field safely when the workspace gets discarded?

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I would imagine we'd have to be able to identify fields that don't exist in the live workspace anyway to make sure that they don't get exported in a config export.

    Well the fields would exist in the live workspace though if they're new - and I think at least by default you'd want them exported too.

    If you're making config changes on production (even if only via a workspace), then you would need a workflow for syncing configuration back to development environments. If you have a draft workspace with config changes, then when you sync the database back to development environments, that workspace will only work if the config supporting it exists. I could see some kind of additional workflows on top similar to config_split or similar modules where you can export with or without new config created in workspaces, but definitely I'd want the actual live state of production by default if I needed to debug something.

    Isn't this primarily an UI concern if we are able to identify that a field was added in a workspace?

    Yes, but don't know if wse_config already does things like filter out newly added config in config listings (vs. overriding config when it's loaded).

    Given that we are isolating the use of the field to the workspace where it is being added, couldn't we delete the field safely when the workspace gets discarded?

    Yep might actually be fine!

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom alexpott 🇪🇺🌍

    I think we should park the field creation in workspace discussion till we've work out what we're going to do. Creating fields that are not represented in live configuration is going to be fraught. I don't want to think about how the system report is going to deal with validating the entity schema definitions, for example.

    I think I should have given more context to the conflict resolution remark - the moment you edit content in a workspace you can no longer edit it in the live site. The system prevents you from doing this. It's more conflict prevention than resolution I guess. The point is that the same it not true for configuration when you have wse_config installed.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom alexpott 🇪🇺🌍

    I think the key decision is

    we're fairly certain that we should use Workspaces as the entity storage model for this, regardless of how much of the Workspaces UI we end up using.

    Given this feels nearly certain I think we need to make that certain and go all in a model that allows us to make configuration changes as part of workspace.

    What confuses this issue a bit are the revert requirements on 🌱 Decide on approach to use for storing past revisions of XB config entities Active . When a workspace is applied to a live site it'll create a single revision for each content entity that is changed regardless of the number of revisions for that content entity in the workspace. I think this makes sense - each workspace is viewed as a single set of changes to make to the live site. I think config should behave the same. Unfortunately this is not the way wse_config is working at the moment. It looks like it is creating a content entity for each configuration edited in a workspace and when it is published it changes the live configuration. If you visit the WSE Config listing page (admin/config/development/configuration/config-content) you will see a list entities changed in each workspace and these changes don't really relate to the change that's happened to the live workspace. All WSE Config content entities are listed here regardless of the workspace you are on. You don't see a nice history like you do for node/n/revisions

    One thing that makes me very unsure about workspaces and configuration is the possibility that the configuration change when you publish a workspace will affect more than just the content in the workspace being being published and the same goes for a revert. I think this breaks the mental model of what a workspace encapsulates.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    One thing that makes me very unsure about workspaces and configuration is the possibility that the configuration change when you publish a workspace will affect more than just the content in the workspace being being published and the same goes for a revert.

    I think for publishing this can be covered by some extra messaging when a workspace includes configuration changes. Anything that allows for staging of config changes on production is going to have similar issues even if it wasn't using workspaces, and the need for publishing content changes and config changes together (a new view that shows some new content etc.) wouldn't really go away even if it was implemented as linking two separate operations together.

    Revert is very different though due to config/content dependencies - but again that problem exists with any kind of config revert on production after other changes have been made.

  • 🇷🇴Romania amateescu

    Is reverting broken for deep/complex reasons or is it a trivial(ish) bugfix?

    I discussed this one with @alexpott in Slack and it seems to be a rather trivial bugfix.

    I think I should have given more context to the conflict resolution remark - the moment you edit content in a workspace you can no longer edit it in the live site. The system prevents you from doing this. It's more conflict prevention than resolution I guess. The point is that the same it not true for configuration when you have wse_config installed.

    Indeed, wse_config doesn't provide the same conflict prevention safeguards that content entities have, but it shouldn't be a big effort to add it.

    If you visit the WSE Config listing page (admin/config/development/configuration/config-content) you will see a list entities changed in each workspace and these changes don't really relate to the change that's happened to the live workspace.

    That UI is basically just the result of code scaffolding when the wse_config entity type was created, and its current role is mostly for "debugging" purposes, it was never meant to be used by a content editor or such. The UI for viewing config that is changed in a workspace is the same as for content, the "Manage workspace" page.

    @catch summarized very well the current capabilities of wse_config in #3. Even though there might be some bugs here and there, any config that doesn't affect the database schema can be made editable in a workspace.

    At the moment, the list of config that can be edited in a workspace is based on a "manual" allowlist, but a proper/long-term solution IMO would be to introduce something along the lines of FullyValidatable constraint from core that would work similarly to \Drupal\Core\Form\WorkspaceSafeFormInterface.

    About field CRUD handling in a workspace, if that's not a strict initial requirement, I also think it would make sense to be discussed separately because it won't be nowhere as easy as a "adding a database table" discussion :) Hiding a new field from the UI would be the easiest part, IMO we should be more concerned about hiding it from the API. For example, we can't guess what kind of long-running (e.g. minutes or hours long) operations or other db schema alterations would be triggered by the "tiny" operation of adding a new field.

    Apart from config changes that affect the db schema, which were "solved" by not being allowed in wse_config, the biggest challenge of that module (and any per-workspace-config solution in general), is the multitude of caching layers stacked on top of various config/services/plugin managers/etc. that have to be made workspace-aware.

    That's in fact the ugliest and IMO hackiest part of the module, and I'd really love if we can come up with a better solution than what we have atm. One idea for it would be to introduce an alteration point at the very top of the caching system (in the cache backends or factories?), that would provide Workspaces an easy way to append the current workspace ID to the cache key.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom alexpott 🇪🇺🌍

    Apart from config changes that affect the db schema, which were "solved" by not being allowed in wse_config, the biggest challenge of that module (and any per-workspace-config solution in general), is the multitude of caching layers stacked on top of various config/services/plugin managers/etc. that have to be made workspace-aware.

    I've been pondering this quite a bit today and looking at the caching stuff in wse_config and thinking about @wim leers's config override POC from a few months ago and I'm wondering if we can using the config override system to help us here. I.e. not actually use config overrides but make it look like a config override is active for an config we've changed in the workspace. Then we might not have to do so many cache shenanigans in wse_config.

    At the moment, the list of config that can be edited in a workspace is based on a "manual" allowlist, but a proper/long-term solution IMO would be to introduce something along the lines of FullyValidatable constraint from core that would work similarly to \Drupal\Core\Form\WorkspaceSafeFormInterface.

    At the moment for config entities it is opt-in and uses an allow list approach. For simple configuration it's the other way around it has a list to exclude (including This mixture of approaches confused me for a bit.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Another possible approach to config overrides would be using VariationCache for a lot more things, and then adding default cache contexts similar to the render cache default cache contexts, which workspaces could then add itself to. This would be a lot of work though.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    @catch in #7: Great! On the one hand, I think config entities are simpler than content entities. On the other hand, content entities have a more predictable structure (a content entity has N fields, and every field has a specific validatable structure, with almost always every field value being independently validatable — the exceptions being the validation constraints that extend \Drupal\Core\Entity\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\CompositeConstraintBase), but on the other hand config entities have an arbitrarily complex structure (mappings or sequences at any level, not just the top level, so also many levels down, and even a mapping in a mapping in a mapping in a sequence etc.).
    So … that makes me strongly suspect that that project is not generalizable to arbitrary config entities… 🙈

    @lauriii in #8:

    • RE: first paragraph: the "then merged" part still requires conflict resolution.
    • RE: second paragraph: even if a new field being added to a bundle is not exposed in the UI, it would still get exposed via validation errors (for invalid field value, or potentially even missing required value) and via APIs: REST, JSON:API, GraphQL, as well as the PHP Entity/Field API. And more complex still: what if the same field gets added twice?
    • RE: third paragraph: okay, thanks! 👍

    @effulgentsia in #9: But the same config entity may be modified (and auto-saved) in different ways in each workspace. Or … are you saying that that is what you are proposing to simply prevent/disallow, @effulgentsia? 🤔

    IOW, are you proposing: ?

    @catch in #10:

    we can give people different foot shooting options they can choose between.


    @alexpott in #13:

    the moment you edit content in a workspace you can no longer edit it in the live site. […] It's more conflict prevention than resolution I guess.

    Oh, wow!

    That sure is a way to avoid it! So, when trying to edit the live version of a content entity that already has a modified version in any workspace, you'd get a message informing you editing it is not possible at this time? 🤔

    @lauriii, is that acceptable to you?

    @alexpott in #14:

    […] the possibility that the configuration change when you publish a workspace will affect more than just the content in the workspace being being published and the same goes for a revert. I think this breaks the mental model of what a workspace encapsulates.

    I'd say it's a certainty, not a possibility. The most common examples for XB will be:

    1. modifying the front-end theme's PageTemplate config entity (added in 📌 Introduce an XB `PageTemplate` config entity Active ), which will affect all HTML-serving routes, not just the ones whose content entities were modified in the workspace
    2. modifying a content entity type's bundle's "content type template" (does not yet exist, but is a critical product requirement — see 🌱 [META] 7. Content type templates — aka "default layouts" — clarify the tree+props data model Active ), which will affect all content entities of that type/bundle, not just the modified/added content entities in the workspace

    ⚠️ This is why I've been so concerned about seeing the designs for editing the PageTemplate: while 📌 Add support for global regions Active is moving forward and that is great, I have yet to see UI designs with affordances that ensure that the user modifying the PageTemplate is they're editing the page template! See my comment #3489899-9: Add support for global regions from >2 weeks ago.

    @catch in #15: you're right that this is not technically different from modifying "live config". But the point is that XB is aiming to do better and make the Drupal UX easier to understand. If we don't pay attention to that, we don't materially move the needle on this front, which has many repercussions.

    @amateescu in #16:

    • RE: reverting broken being trivial: yay, exactly as anticipated! 😄
    • RE: → music to my ears! 😄🎶 Is it sufficient as-is? If not, what is missing?
    • RE: "hiding it from the API" — /me high-fives @amateescu for raising the exact same concern! 😁🤓
    • RE: caching layers pain: I have an idea. contains the renderer.config container parameter. It contains required_cache_contexts: ['languages:language_interface', 'theme', 'user.permissions']. If we would generalize that to all cache bins, then it'd become simple: by default, all cache bins have [] (the empty array) as the required cache contexts, and again defined in a container parameter. The Workspace module would then be able to alter the new container parameter, and add 'workspace' to it (the \Drupal\workspaces\WorkspaceCacheContext). Done!

      I think this could even be done in a backwards-compatible way. 🤔 Though it would be non-trivial to get this through the core review process and ensure strong guarantees for backwards compatibility 😬

    @alexpott in #17:

    not actually use config overrides but make it look like a config override is active for an config we've changed in the workspace. Then we might not have to do so many cache shenanigans in wse_config.

    That's exactly what I was thinking back then! What I did in is agnostic of where the config is stored. And in fact, I think changing that to just use the already-existing workspace cache context instead of the new-for-PoC cache context … might mean that it could quite easily be made to work with the existing wse_config? Can't quite think that all the way through at this time though, it's been too long since I worked on that.

    @catch in #18: HAH, and that is exactly what I just proposed to @amateescu above! 😁

  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    even if a new field being added to a bundle is not exposed in the UI, it would still get exposed via validation errors (for invalid field value, or potentially even missing required value) and via APIs: REST, JSON:API, GraphQL, as well as the PHP Entity/Field API. And more complex still: what if the same field gets added twice?

    We would have to bypass validation in this case because the field technically wouldn't exist in the live workspace, i.e. even if you're adding a required field, it should not trigger a validation error. The field should also not be exposed in REST, JSON:API, GraphQL until it has been deployed to the live site.

    Adding the same field twice seems edge case enough that it could generate a validation error.

    So, when trying to edit the live version of a content entity that already has a modified version in any workspace, you'd get a message informing you editing it is not possible at this time? 🤔

    I think this would be a pretty harsh limitation. There are use cases where you may want to prepare multiple versions of a change. Also having a change to a page in one workspace even if it's stale, would mean no one else would be able to edit it.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I have an idea. contains the renderer.config container parameter. It contains required_cache_contexts: ['languages:language_interface', 'theme', 'user.permissions']. If we would generalize that to all cache bins

    We can do this for caches that implement VariationCache, but it can only be at level, not the cache backend implementation itself. So we'd still need to make a load of caches VariationCache enabled - but these are the same sorts of things that already vary by language and similar, so it would be a good change in general, probably.

  • 🇺🇸United States effulgentsia

    IOW, are you proposing: Each (content/config) entity may only be modified in a single workspace at a time.?

    Yes, I believe this is how Workspaces already works for content entities, and I think it's how it should work for config entities. And I think XB can operate within this constraint. I think XB needs to support the following two setups:

    • A single workspace for drafts, shared by all content authors. Not sure if we'll still need to bikeshed the name of it, but for this comment, let's call this workspace Draft. And a single workspace for staging; let's call it Staging. In this setup, all edits happen in the Draft workspace, edits generally (except maybe in the case of trivial fixes) don't happen in the Staging workspace or on the live site. Entities get moved from the Draft workspace to the Staging workspace when the author believes their work is done. A reviewer can move entities from the Staging workspace to the Draft workspace if that entity needs changes before it's suitable for publishing. When the reviewer is happy with everything that's in the Staging workspace, they can publish it to the live site. In this setup, concurrent/collaborative editing can be happening in the Draft workspace to the extent that we build in support for that within XB itself in 📌 META: Conflict free concurrent editing Active .
    • Same as above but where there are multiple workspaces for drafts. For example, a draft workspace for each content author (as shown in #8) or a separate draft workspace for each upcoming marketing campaign. In the case of each content author working in their own draft workspace, you wouldn't have concurrent/collaborative editing, since any given entity can only be in one workspace.
  • 🇺🇸United States effulgentsia

    When a workspace is applied to a live site it'll create a single revision for each content entity that is changed regardless of the number of revisions for that content entity in the workspace. I think this makes sense - each workspace is viewed as a single set of changes to make to the live site. I think config should behave the same.

    I agree that config should behave the same as content with respect to this, but I'm confused about what the behavior for content is currently. Are you saying that when, say a node, is in a workspace, then while it's in that workspace, if you save multiple times, you're able to see those multiple revisions, but when the workspace is published, then all revisions created while in the workspace except the last one get deleted? Or are the revisions still there, but not accessible from node/NID/revisions?

    Also, what happens to revisions if instead of publishing to live, you move an entity from one workspace to another? For example, per #22, if you move a node from Draft to Staging or vice versa? For XB, it would not be desirable to lose revision history with each such transition.

    In the case of config, is there an additional complication around the wse_config entity getting deleted upon publish and a new one created upon the next edit in a workspace? Or is it possible (and sensible?) to retain the same wse_config entity for the lifetime of the site, so as to have a full revision history? This is perhaps more a question for 🌱 Decide on approach to use for storing past revisions of XB config entities Active , but asking it here since it relates to the above.

  • 🇺🇸United States effulgentsia

    when the workspace is published, then all revisions created while in the workspace except the last one get deleted? Or are the revisions still there, but not accessible from node/NID/revisions?

    I tested this just now and looks like it's the latter. The intermediary revisions are still in the db for the same NID, but are hidden from node/NID/revisions when on the live site. For XB, we might want the intermediary revisions to still be accessible even after publishing, but since they're still in the db, I'm assuming we'll be able to adjust the UI to make them visible if we want to.

    One thing that's confusing with the current Workspace UI is that on admin/config/workflow/workspaces/settings there's a setting for Saved revisions during publishing, and I expected that selecting "All" from that dropdown would have resulted in intermediary revisions being visible on node/NID/revisions after publishing to live, but it didn't do that. Not sure if that's a bug, or if that setting controls something different than that.

    what happens to revisions if instead of publishing to live, you move an entity from one workspace to another?

    Looks like this works the way we'd want it to in XB. All the revisions are preserved (both in the db and in the UI) during such a move.

    In the case of config, is there an additional complication around the wse_config entity getting deleted upon publish and a new one created upon the next edit in a workspace? Or is it possible (and sensible?) to retain the same wse_config entity for the lifetime of the site, so as to have a full revision history?

    Looks like currently, the wse_config entity does NOT get deleted when published. However, the workspace that's published gets closed, so the next time that config is edited, it gets edited in a different workspace than the one from which it was last published, and a new wse_config entity gets created. I think this will create complications for 🌱 Decide on approach to use for storing past revisions of XB config entities Active , since now you'll have to deal with multiple wse_config entities to reconstruct a revision history of a single config entity.

  • 🇸🇪Sweden johnwebdev

    Generally when working with Drupal config you will do that locally as a developer and then export that configuration to file system and commit to Git.

    How will this work work in XB? Should e.g. PageTemplate be ignored by the file system or how do we keep config in sync between Git and environments?

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom alexpott 🇪🇺🌍

    @johnwebdev this problem already exists for making changes in config on live. XB doesn't make this problem any harder or easier. I think the techniques that have been developed for webforms will continue to be used.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom alexpott 🇪🇺🌍

    We need to stage both content and configuration when the experience builder is active. The user should be able to create, edit and delete content and configuration and then press a button to make all the changes live at once. The user should be able to view a list of everything that is changing to review what will occur when they press publish.


    1. The configuration system is built to be able to sync 2 separate site instances. Running different configurations on the same site is tricky because configuration can:
      • make changes to the container - core.extension
      • Add or change the database schema -*
    2. WSE Config can stage configuration in a workspace but:
      • Does not have extensive usage or test coverage. Note this is the same for the other options: Confg Entity Revisions - no release, 3000+ usages and Config Revision - alpha release, 50+ usages
      • Has inconsistent approaches to simple config vs config entities. Exception for config entities not workspace-able but allows you to save simple config in a way that affects the live workspace.
      • The UI for revisioned config is confusing
    3. We need to identify what config can be edited, created or deleted while in experience builder but:
      • The UI routes & forms and config do not always have a 1-to-1 mapping. Form alters can make unexpected changes.
      • Potentially we could build config forms the same way we build the config translation forms ie. from schema however the UI built this way would be lacking
    4. Workspaces can handle content edits and creation but does not handle deletions. It prevents deleting content in a workspace.
    5. In order to allow content entity schema changes (i.e adding a field) we probably need to get a NoSQL backend in core like MongoDB as this is how our competitors are able to offer such functionality. Trying to do this with a SQL backend will lead to hard or maybe impossible problems to solve.

    Approach to revisionable config

    Options in contrib are WSE Config , Confg Entity Revisions and Config Revision . All use the same approach of creating a revisionable content entity to track future and past revisions. None of them have extensive test coverage.

    Alternate approaches include:

    Given the need to stage content changes as well as configuration, an approach built on using an already revisionable content entity type to store config revisions will mean we have less problems to solve. The fact that 3 contrib modules have landed on a similar idea also speaks to its application. That said, all 3 modules have small install bases and lack test coverage.

    Therefore, my recommendation would be to work on WSE Config.

    The following areas need work:

    • Improve its approach to caching - at the moment it clears all caches a lot. We could probably leverage the ability of config overrides to affect the config cache keys to make things easier.
    • Add extensive test coverage - it is likely that this work will lead to more discoveries of edge-cases and things that need to be improved.
    • Remove or improve the content entity UI it exposes for the content entities it creates for config revisions
    • Make its approach to managing which configuration can be included in a workspace consistent so that both config entities and simple config work in a better way.
    • Concurrent editing of configuration on live and in a workspace. Out-of-the-box workspaces will prevent content from being edited in live once an edit exists in a workspace. Similar capabilities are required from configuration.
    • How the user is prevented from or knows they are editing configuration that will not be included in the workspace. At the moment if a configuration entity is saved with a workspace active and it cannot be in a workspace then an exception is thrown. If simple config that cannot be in a workspace is edited it’ll be immediately changed on live.

    The biggest issue that is not really a wse_config issue is the need to associate routes with particular config and have the user informed as to what is going to happen if they press save.

  • 🇸🇪Sweden johnwebdev

    #26 Sorry, I'm not familiar with what Webforms does.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    @johnwebdev a lot of sites use for webform - to exclude it from config import/export.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    @lauriii in #20: I agree with all those "SHOULD"s. But it doesn't make it realistic. I don't see how we can make that work without significant changes to Drupal core.

    @catch in #21: 👍

    @effulgentsia in #22 + #23 Those sounds like reasonable limitations that do make this more achievable. But it doesn't solve what @lauriii describes in #20.


    Would it be acceptable/reasonable to not allow changes to the data model? So: no support to add FieldStorageConfig, FieldConfig, NodeType etc. entities to a workspace? That would allow us to not have to deal with this problem at all. That'd be a way around @alexpott's Challenge #27.5

  • Assigned to lauriii
  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    FYI: progress has been made over at 📌 Add basic test coverage for `wse_config` with simple config Active . 🎉

Production build 0.71.5 2024