My apologies if this is a composer-novice question but I've never been brilliant with it.
I am using toc.js daily to good effect but I have noticed that whenever there is an update, my UI-driven update check does not spot it.
Further, the version of the module that I have installed does not display in the UI...
If I manually update using...
composer require 'drupal/toc_js:^3.0'
...then I get the update but I also see...
Package operations: 0 installs, 1 update, 0 removals
- Syncing drupal/toc_js (3.0.1) into cache
- Upgrading drupal/toc_js (3.0.0 => 3.0.1): Update failed (The .git directory is missing from <local-dev>\modules\contrib\toc_js, see for more information)
Would you like to try reinstalling the package instead [yes]?
I then end up with a .git
folder in the root of the module folder.
Now, I was involved in testing earlier versions so maybe it's a remnant from those days but if someone could explain what's going in here and help me to banish this behaviour for good, I be very grateful.
Thanks all