- Issue created by @mortona2k
- First commit to issue fork.
Applying patches for drupal/paragraphs_browser
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2022-06-09/getscheme-deprecated.patch β (#3355760 Error: Call to a member function getFileUri() on array in paragraphs_browser_paragraph_type_form_builder())
Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2022-06-09/getscheme-deprecated.patch β
It looks like the issue this patch is for has been fixed.
https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs_browser/issues/3355760 π Error: Call to a member function getFileUri() on array in paragraphs_browser_paragraph_type_form_builder() RTBC