- Issue created by @arwillame
With the paragraph_group → module enabled, when i try to translate a node with nested paragraphs, the source language node and the translation end up with an empty paragraph field.
- have the
paragraph_group →
module enabled
- Have a content type with the field "layout" from paragraph group module.
- This layout paragraph has the field_group_paragraphs where i can add "panel" paragraph reference
- "Panel" paragraph has a field "field_panel_paragraphs" that can reference multiple custom paragraphs.
- Now create content on this node with a paragraph with text for example.
- Translate this node with ai_translate
- See that the translation has no paragraph and the source language node has lost its paragraphs as well.
Improve the "setValue()" method in "web/modules/contrib/ai/modules/ai_translate/src/Plugin/FieldTextExtractor/ReferenceFieldExtractor.php" To handle correctly nested paragraphs.z
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