[2.0.0-beta5] Use HTTP URL isntead of a stream wrapper in JSON reference

Created on 14 October 2024, 3 months ago


Currently, SDCs used in UI Patterns components use an arbitrary

$ref: ui-patterns://boolean

Which is valid from the Json-schema specification point of view, but at the same time limits the use of these component schemas somewhere outside of PHP, Drupal and UI Patterns.

At the same time, I see that there are a huge number of tools https://json-schema.org/tools
that extend the capabilities of schemas, allowing you to document, validate, generate data and much, much more. And I can imagine a day when component schemas can be used somewhere else.

But unfortunately, this $ref turns json-schema into php-drupal-ui-patterns-json-schema

Proposed resolution(s)

I am not a PHP developer and I can't imagine the complexity of these changes, but I theoretically see two ways we can improve this:


$plugin_id = str_replace('ui-patterns://', '', $uri);

Here I see the search for id from the string. Thus, the $ref string can look something like this:

$ref: http://example.com/ui-patterns#boolean

which will contain the current state of the scheme.
And theoretically in the module code this replacement can look like this:

$plugin_id = str_replace('example.com/ui-patterns#', '', $uri);

And this can work similarly. But the scheme will be more universal.

The second possible solution would be to simply provide
http://example.com/ui-patterns with the current version of the scheme

which can also be used by the module to generate parts of the schemes

but will allow developers of other tools to auto-replace
$ref: ui-patterns://boolean
$ref: http://example.com/ui-patterns#boolean

Feature request

Closed: duplicate





Created by

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

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