- Issue created by @thisisalistairsaccount
Currently when adding a logo to the site, you get the joy of being able to add it and have it render on screen as expected. However, that joy can be a bit diminished as it:
For those working in a government context, there are some minimum requirements for things like logos, which is detailed in https://www.pmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/resource/download/australian-...
While this can be changed via CSS, there's not an easy way to adjust this within Appearance when trying to get something out the door quickly. As this is usually a minor branding change needed quickly and usually done by less technical site managers or content people not having options makes a simple task a bit more painful than needed.
Option 1: Increase the default values of the image
A simple change in CSS would make the logo larger and introduce some more space, for example:
.ct-logo .ct-logo__image {
max-height: 4.5rem;
margin: 0.5rem;
A further bit of code:
.ct-header__top .container .row {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
Could vertically center the menu in that same region resulting in:
Option 2: Provide settings to control image and padding/margin within Appearance
Taking a more user controlled approach, possibly the introduction of some fields alongside the logo options could give more flexibility. Having fields is more work to build but gives end users more control. An example:
Potentially new fields depending on the option selected above.