- Issue created by @bryanmanalo
- Status changed to Fixed
6 months ago 7:14am 26 August 2024 - 🇩🇪Germany marcus_johansson
@bryanmalao - patch working and applied and pushed into dev branch. This is now working in 1.0.x-dev release.
marcus_johansson →
committed 2146e29a on 1.0.x
Issue #3470030 by bryanmanalo: When adding assistant the provider config...
marcus_johansson →
committed 2146e29a on 1.0.x
marcus_johansson →
committed 2146e29a on 3456770-discuss-interface-suggestion
Issue #3470030 by bryanmanalo: When adding assistant the provider config...
marcus_johansson →
committed 2146e29a on 3456770-discuss-interface-suggestion
- 🇵🇭Philippines bryanmanalo
Thanks @marcus_johansson.
Reporting that the patch is needed when adding a new one. However, you have to remove the patch in order to edit an existing one.
- Status changed to Active
6 months ago 12:47am 4 September 2024 -
marcus_johansson →
committed 2146e29a on aws-bedrock
Issue #3470030 by bryanmanalo: When adding assistant the provider config...
marcus_johansson →
committed 2146e29a on aws-bedrock
- Status changed to Needs review
6 months ago 8:06am 16 September 2024 - 🇩🇪Germany marcus_johansson
Could you check the latest 1.0.x-dev, this issue should have been fixed. We have rewritten so you can set a general default and I hope this fixed this issue as well.
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser
Will mark as fixed unless we hear otherwise (cleaning up AI Search component related issues).
- 🇩🇪Germany netv
https://www.drupal.org/project/ai/issues/3470030 🐛 When adding assistant the provider config form is empty resulting to an error Needs review
I'm basically trying the same right now, but can't manage to get it working with lando.
I've tried to two approaches:- creating a working Milvus and Attu by using a suitable docker-compose.yml and tried to connect it with my drupal lando via docker bridge
- created the services with type: compose inside lando
The first approach looks promising, but the Miluvs provider backend can't connect to Milvus
The second one doesn't work, because the containers are exiting a few seconds after beeing created.Would love if you can share some insights.
Thank you
- 🇩🇪Germany marcus_johansson
@netvidual - lets see if you get responses here, maybe create a new support ticket instead so it becomes visible or try here: https://launchpass.com/devwithlando
- 🇵🇭Philippines bryanmanalo
@marcus_johansson thanks! Latest is indeed working.
@netv mine was also exiting, can't remember how I resolved it with lando. But this is was the last working lando.yml:
name: bryanmanalo-d9 recipe: drupal9 config: composer_version: '2.2.0' proxy: mailhog: - mail.bryanmanalo-d9.lndo.site services: appserver: via: apache:2.4 type: php:8.2 webroot: ./docroot config: php: ./lando-config/php.ini build_as_root: - a2enmod headers - service apache2 reload database: type: mysql:5.7 creds: database: drupal mailhog: type: mailhog hogfrom: - appserver etcd: type: lando services: image: quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.5.0 environment: - ETCD_AUTO_COMPACTION_MODE=revision - ETCD_AUTO_COMPACTION_RETENTION=1000 - ETCD_QUOTA_BACKEND_BYTES=4294967296 volumes: - ./etcd:/etcd command: etcd -advertise-client-urls= -listen-client-urls --data-dir /etcd minio: type: lando services: image: minio/minio:RELEASE.2020-12-03T00-03-10Z environment: MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: minioadmin MINIO_SECRET_KEY: minioadmin volumes: - ./minio-data:/minio_data command: minio server /minio_data healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:9000/minio/health/live"] interval: 30s timeout: 20s retries: 3 milvus: type: lando services: image: milvusdb/milvus:v2.4.8 command: ["milvus", "run", "standalone"] environment: ETCD_ENDPOINTS: etcd:2379 MINIO_ADDRESS: minio:9000 ports: - 19530:19530 - 19121:19121 volumes: - ./milvus-data:/var/lib/milvus/db depends_on: - "etcd" - "minio"
I ended up removing lando and switched with plain docker-compose here https://github.com/bryanmanalo/milvus-chatbot .
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.