Update SDDS development guide to use Drupal CMS project

Created on 21 August 2024, 7 months ago


@sea2709 is going to work on this one.

The Starshot prototype GitHub repo is no longer used and we are supposed to use:


so our docs are out of date now.

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

Update docs to use drupal_cms project.

Remaining tasks

  • Test installing drupal_cms and figure out steps
  • Update development guide to use these steps instead of the Starshot prototype GitHub repo
  • Review and test

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

📌 Task






Created by

🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @Kristen Pol
  • 🇺🇸United States sea2709 Texas

    Hi @Kristen,

    I followed the documentation to set up my local. I was able to set up the site successfully, I just have a couple of comments

    1. At the step "Provision content", it might be helpful to add a step to set the default theme appropriately (CivicTheme or Starshot Demo) before creating dummy content and structure.

    2. I was not able to run storybook for Starshot Demo theme, not sure if this issue is reported or not, but there is a typo at line 18 in the file https://git.drupalcode.org/project/demo_design_system/-/blob/1.0.x/stars...
    {% embed '@base/starshot-container/starshot-container.twig' wit {constrain: true} %}
    it should be {% embed '@base/starshot-container/starshot-container.twig' with {constrain: true} %}

    3. I was able to check experience builder by following the documentation steps. I think there have been some changes in XB recently that we need to do more steps. Based on the XB documentation https://git.drupalcode.org/project/experience_builder/-/blob/0.x/CONTRIB..., XB only works with article content type at this moment. And there was no article content type on my dev site, so I installed the standard profile "ddev drush si standard", and then enabled experience_builder. And the next step was to run "npm i" and "npm run build" in the folder web/modules/contrib/experience_builder/ui". I didn't need to run this step before, but on the latest XB version, I needed to add this step!

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Thanks @sea2709.

    For #2, can you create an issue for that so we get it fixed propertly?

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Note, Jacob was able to use the updated dev guide to install drupal_cms.

    As for #1, makes sense. Let's leave that one here. Plus, we may get rid of that stuff for the demo theme testing anyway... it's TBD.

    For #3, we are waiting on the XB team for feedback on how to properly install/use with drupal_cms.

    Hopefully we can get that sorted tomorrow.

  • Status changed to Postponed 7 months ago
  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Postponing for now.

  • 🇮🇳India Akhil Babu Chengannur

    I got these warnings during ddev start step

    No composer.lock file present. Updating dependencies to latest instead of installing from lock file

    Authentication required (gitlab.lakedrops.com). I just hit enter for username and password and got "TypeError]
    rawurlencode(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, null given" error

  • 🇺🇸United States sea2709 Texas

    @akhil babu:

    The first warning "No composer.lock file present. Updating dependencies to latest instead of installing from lock file", I think this one is normal, we don't have composer.lock in Drupal CMS repository, so developers can get the most up to date modules versions when they set up their local. When ddev start is run, composer install is kicked off, it's just a warning that composer will generate a lock file.

    For the authentication error, I'm curious if you can see the recipes "notify_new_comments" in your project source code, it should be at "web/recipes/notify_new_comments". I think you can do a test to remove the folder "web/recipes/notify_new_comments" and then do "ddev composer install" again to see if this recipe is created back. If it shows up, then we're good :-)

  • 🇮🇳India Akhil Babu Chengannur

    Thanks @sea2709. The 'notify_new_comments' recipe was there in web/recipes. It's also getting recreated when I run composer install after deleting it.

  • 🇺🇸United States sea2709 Texas

    @akhil babu: I'm glad it works. I'm not sure about the authentication you ran into, but it looks like it just happened at the very first time.

    @Kristen: For #2, I created a new issue and a MR to fix the issue as well. https://www.drupal.org/project/demo_design_system/issues/3469462#comment... 🐛 Cannot run storybook for starshot_demo subtheme Needs review

  • Assigned to Kristen Pol
  • Status changed to Needs work 7 months ago
  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Welp. I heard from the XB lead last night that they recommend we use the standard install profile for testing for now because they haven't tested their stuff with starshot/drupal_cms... so... I'll need to update the core steps yet again to handle that.

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    I'm marking this one postponed and created this one:

    📌 Update SDDS development guide to use standard Drupal 11 profile Needs work

  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Status changed to Postponed 7 months ago
  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Change status.

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Drupal CMS is still using 10.3.

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Production build 0.71.5 2024