Potential UX improvements for Events Recipe

Created on 19 August 2024, 7 months ago


With an initial draft of the Events recipe available, we should start to document potential UX improvements for the overall experience of working with dates and times.

Proposed resolution

It would be useful to get design and usability feedback on the overall layout and organization of the fields and the individual inputs that make them up. For example, consider the event creation interface after applying the current state of the Events recipe:



Compare this, for example, to the interface for popular calendar applications.

(Google Calendar, initial state)

(Google Calendar, focus on date and time widget)

(Google Calendar, focus on end time)

(Apple Calendar, initial state)

(Apple Calendar, focus on date and time section)

(Apple Calendar, focus on end time)

A couple of things jump out. For both, the initial display of the date and time widget is simplified, but expands to show additional inputs when it receives focus. For Apple, this is part of a broader strategy of input sections that expand on focus.

Both Google and Apple interfaces have a concept of duration and populate the end time automatically based on a default duration, but neither shows the duration options as a separate element. Instead, the options (and the end times that would result) are shown as options listed below the end time input when it receives focus.

These are both patterns that could be implemented for the Events recipe (likely as updates to the Smart Date module), but we also need to consider accessibility, get real user input, and so on.

Remaining tasks


User interface changes


🌱 Plan



Track: Event

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🇨🇦Canada mandclu

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