A logo has been created by the community for your module for compatibility with Project Browser. Please consider adding this logo. The logo will be displayed in the card for your module in the Project Browser (as well as on drupalcode.org as your project avatar, and on drupal.org on your project page).
The logo to be used should be this exact image (we have already ensured it meets requirements:
- 512x512 square dimension in PNG format without animations.
- Suggested file size should be 10k or less. Use a lossy image tool (such as pngquant) to reduce file size while keeping the image quality at around 80%.
INSTRUCTIONS: The logo should be added to the root folder of the repo, and be named logo.png. This must be present on your project’s default branch.
If you have previously added a logo as the first image in the Images field on your project page, please remove it. Project Browser will no longer be using the first image as the logo.
Code - misc