Offering to Maintain Media Transcriptions

Created on 15 August 2024, 7 months ago

Ahoy there.

I came across this project when starting work on a module with a similar aim and looking to see if the namespace had been taken.

While obviously much time has elapsed since you began this project and the technology has changed, I'm interested in writing a similar module that will allow users to transcribe a given video or audio file. It will use paragraphs to separate speakers and allow for timestamping different words. It would be relatively easy and a nice feature to be able to generate .srt files from the data.

I would be working on a D8+ compatible version of this module and would not work in Drupal 7 or lower.

If you're not using this namespace anymore, would you consider giving me ownership of the project?


💬 Support request






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🇺🇸United States tbcs

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