Error in validating a hero image that has a lot different characters.

Created on 25 July 2024, about 1 month ago
Updated 26 August 2024, 12 days ago


So while following the steps to setup a new site for XB and creating a new article node i came up with a problem that if i try to upload an image with a lot of characters which in my case was (Screenshot 2024-07-22) i was getting the following error:-

Exception: [src] Invalid URL format in Drupal\experience_builder\Plugin\Adapter\AdapterBase->validateConformanceToJsonSchemaType() (line 67 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/experience_builder/src/Plugin/Adapter/AdapterBase.php).

But when i tried uploading an image with a simpler name such as


then i was able to successfully upload the image.

Proposed resolution

User interface changes

🐛 Bug report

Closed: duplicate


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    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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