Webp module allows image styles to be created with false IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN.

Created on 5 July 2024, 3 months ago
Updated 13 July 2024, 3 months ago

My apologies for doing this in wrong order by first creating a help request and only now sending it as security issue.
https://www.drupal.org/project/webp/issues/3437573 🐛 IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN ignored? Closed: duplicate


Webp module allows image styles to be created with false IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN.

Steps to reproduce

1. Create default Drupal website with the default 4 images styles: Large, Medium, Thumbnail, Wide
2. Install and activate webp module.
3. (Important) remove "Convert WEBP" from image style "medium".
3. Upload an image when creating node of the default article content type. (Example name: penguin_test.jpg )
4. When visiting article the image is shown in style "Wide".
5. Open the image and change the style and IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN. For example: /sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2024-07/penguin_test.jpg?itok=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (this will now generate the image)

Proposed resolution

If statement in https://git.drupalcode.org/project/webp/-/blob/8.x-1.x/src/Controller/Im... needs an update.

🐛 Bug report

Needs work



Created by

🇳🇱Netherlands Willempje2

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