Improve the "Configuration & Use" section

Created on 23 June 2024, 9 months ago


The "Configuration & Use"-part of the documentation is very brief. Let's make it useful for everyone.

Proposed resolution

Use this version:

## Configuration & Use

Adding the Buzzsprout option using the recipe below will take two minutes and teach you how to use the module. Having done that, you'll be experienced enough to add other sources.

1- Install this module as usual.

2- Go to Structure > Media Types (/admin/structure/media) and Create a new Media Type. If you are unsure what to name it, name it Buzzsprout. Select "Remote Media URL" as Media source.
Just keep the fields that appear as "Media source configuration: Field with source information: Create" and "Felt Mapning: name: Skip field". Save

3- Navigate to the "Manage Display" page of the media type you just created (if you named it Buzzsprout, it'll be at /admin/structure/media/manage/buzzsprout/display), and select the formatter you want to use for the URL field. You cannot choose "plain text" (it'll make stuff explode). Choose "Remote Media - Buzzsprout". Save.

4- If your site does not yet have a content type with a media field (it probably has), create one. This is done at Structure > Content types (/admin/structure/types).

5- If your site has a content type with a media field, go to Structure > Content types, select the content type and "Manage fields". Locate the media field and edit it. Check the new media type ("Buzzsprout") under "Media Type". Save.

6- Add a new piece of content (/node/add). Locate the media field and "Add media". Choose the "Buzzsprout" vertical tab and paste in the Buzzsprout url. For testing purposes, you can use Click "Add" (clicking "Save" will make stuff explode). Click "Save". Click "Insert selected". (Scroll to the bottom and) click "Save".

7- Enjoy the beautiful Buzzsprout-player with the correct podcast loaded.

Remaining tasks

Add this to the AND the Media Remote page ( ). The module page is a great place for documentation! People will probably be more likely to install the module, if they get the full picture up front.

📌 Task






Created by

🇩🇰Denmark Steven Snedker

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @Steven Snedker
  • Assigned to dev2.addweb
  • 🇮🇳India dev2.addweb


    The Media Remote page ( ) will be updated by the maintainer only. So, it is handled by the maintainer. Now, please focus on the file.

  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Status changed to Needs review 9 months ago
  • 🇮🇳India dev2.addweb

    Hi, I have updated and created MR. Please review it.

  • 🇮🇳India dev2.addweb

    Hi @steven-snedker,
    I wrote in file 1s for all, because it's automatically convert to sequence number list by
    For more information regarding file structure and format please visit standard template

  • 🇮🇳India riddhi.addweb

    I have tried and tested the Read Me file
    I have compared the Read Me file with the Doc, attaching the doc link for the same.
    Doc Link:-

    Everything seemed alright when we compared it in the file, attaching the URL for the same. And moving it to RTBC. File URL:-

  • Status changed to RTBC 8 months ago
  • Status changed to Needs work 5 months ago
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

    This patch is specific to configuring for Buzzsprout. Which is actually really handy for me, as that's what I was doing :-) But it should probably be an example addition to the readme, rather than a replacement for the generic description that there is. I'd guess more specific examples might be good, I've not tried if there are other specific differences.

  • 🇩🇰Denmark Steven Snedker

    The generic description is very brief and does mention Buzzsprout in passing:

    Configuration & Use
    Install this module as usual.
    Create a new Media Type, select "Remote Media URL" as Media source
    Important: Configure the display, selecting as formatter in the URL field your desired provider. For example, if you are creating a "Buzzsprout" media type, select "Remote Media - Buzzsprout" as formatter for the URL field in the "Manage display" tab.

    My proposed resolution is guaranteed to show newbies the ropes by
    a) providing them with an actual working example (that's Drupal Module Gold)
    b) taking them through all 7 steps in the correct sequence.

    The smart ones can probably write something other than Buzzsprout on their first run. The less smart ones can get a working example and change bits and pieces until it works with another provider. Or make a new one in the vein of Buzzsprout.

    A generic Configuration & Use where Buzzsprout is changed to [PROVIDERNAME] and [PROVIDERURL] is less readable. And won't necessarily work.

    I also like the bit in step 6:

    Click "Add" (clicking "Save" will make stuff explode). Click "Save". Click "Insert selected". (Scroll to the bottom and) click "Save".

    It's probably still correct (but I haven't tested since June, so who knows).

    My conclusion: this patch is useful for everyone and a great improvement.

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