Improve the "Configuration & Use" section

Created on 23 June 2024, 6 days ago


The "Configuration & Use"-part of the documentation is very brief. Let's make it useful for everyone.

Proposed resolution

Use this version:

## Configuration & Use

Adding the Buzzsprout option using the recipe below will take two minutes and teach you how to use the module. Having done that, you'll be experienced enough to add other sources.

1- Install this module as usual.

2- Go to Structure > Media Types (/admin/structure/media) and Create a new Media Type. If you are unsure what to name it, name it Buzzsprout. Select "Remote Media URL" as Media source.
Just keep the fields that appear as "Media source configuration: Field with source information: Create" and "Felt Mapning: name: Skip field". Save

3- Navigate to the "Manage Display" page of the media type you just created (if you named it Buzzsprout, it'll be at /admin/structure/media/manage/buzzsprout/display), and select the formatter you want to use for the URL field. You cannot choose "plain text" (it'll make stuff explode). Choose "Remote Media - Buzzsprout". Save.

4- If your site does not yet have a content type with a media field (it probably has), create one. This is done at Structure > Content types (/admin/structure/types).

5- If your site has a content type with a media field, go to Structure > Content types, select the content type and "Manage fields". Locate the media field and edit it. Check the new media type ("Buzzsprout") under "Media Type". Save.

6- Add a new piece of content (/node/add). Locate the media field and "Add media". Choose the "Buzzsprout" vertical tab and paste in the Buzzsprout url. For testing purposes, you can use Click "Add" (clicking "Save" will make stuff explode). Click "Save". Click "Insert selected". (Scroll to the bottom and) click "Save".

7- Enjoy the beautiful Buzzsprout-player with the correct podcast loaded.

Remaining tasks

Add this to the AND the Media Remote page ( β†’ ). The module page is a great place for documentation! People will probably be more likely to install the module, if they get the full picture up front.

πŸ“Œ Task






Created by

πŸ‡©πŸ‡°Denmark Steven Snedker

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