FieldType: Support storing component *trees* instead of *lists*

Created on 19 June 2024, 6 months ago
Updated 26 July 2024, 5 months ago


\Drupal\experience_builder\Plugin\DataType\ComponentTreeStructure::$tree (used by \Drupal\experience_builder\Plugin\Field\FieldType\ComponentTreeItem) can currently only store lists of components:

   * The parsed data value.
   * @var array<int, array{'uuid': string, 'type': string}>
  protected array $tree = [];

its values look like this:


— citing config/optional/field.field.node.article.field_xb_demo.yml

This means it is currently unable to record which components are placed in which slots — all components are effectively placed in the virtual <root> slot! Which is why â€Ķ it's not a tree, but a list.

This blocks #3446722-14: [PP-1] Introduce an example set of representative SDC components, including → .

Steps to reproduce


Proposed resolution

  • Update \Drupal\experience_builder\Plugin\DataType\ComponentTreeStructure::$tree to support storing a tree, like this:
      "<root>": [
        {uuid: <uuid1>, component: "provider:two-col"},
        {uuid: <uuid3-standfirst>, component: "provider:marquee"},
      "<uuid1>": {
        firstColumn: [
          {uuid: <uuid4-author>, component: "provider:person-card"},
          {uuid: <uuid2-submitted>, component: "provider:elegant-date"}
        secondColumn: [
          {uuid: <uuid5-main-image>, component: "provider:image-hero"}

    with <root> being a UUID too, but one that is hardcoded as a constant:

    class ComponentTreeStructure extends TypedData {
      const ROOT_UUID = 'â€Ķ';
  • No update path.
  • Update \Drupal\experience_builder\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\TwoTerribleTextAreasWidget accordingly, to ensure editing remains possible.
  • Update config/optional/field.field.node.article.field_xb_demo.yml and EndToEndDemoIntegrationTest accordingly, to ensure that upon installation in the Standard install profile, XB continues to provide the exact same demo experience.
  • Validation constraint for ComponentTreeStructure, see

Remaining tasks

All of the above.

User interface changes

Yes: TwoTerribleTextAreasWidget supports more, but it can stay equally terrible.

API changes


Data model changes


📌 Task



Data model

Created by

🇧🇊Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇊🇊🇚

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