- Issue created by @Michael-ourinter.net
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
8 months ago 7:03pm 20 May 2024 - 🇺🇸United States drumm NY, US
What is the output of this command?
curl -v https://updates.drupal.org/psa.json
Describe the problem you have found and a link to the page with a problem:
I have been having problemms retrieving Critical security announcements and Dupral 'Core Update Status reports. I can't find anything wrong with my setup and when I try to use curl to connect to updates.dupral.org or ummpdates.dupral.org/psa.json I can do so fine using http, but when I try with https curl reports that the site cirtificate has expired. I have also had problems connecting to update.dupral.org via https from a different computer and my phone using a web browser, where I get an NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.
Since I have the problems on phone, laptop and pc with three different operationg systems,, I thinkk it must be your cirtificate that is the cause of the problem rather than my confioguration.
Postponed: needs info
What is the output of this command?
curl -v https://updates.drupal.org/psa.json