Created on 18 May 2024, about 1 month ago
Updated 6 June 2024, 18 days ago

It seems there's an issue with the footer section in the new theme. In Bootstrap 3, I could add blocks to the footer, and if my HTML included classes like col-lg-3, col-lg-4, or col-lg-6, the blocks would adjust and be positioned next to each other. For some reason, in this new theme, they are positioned vertically. I don't know why the default is built this way.

My question is: how am I supposed to customize the theme so that I fix this issue?

Current Code:

{% if page.footer %}
<footer class="mt-auto {{ footer_classes }}">
  <div class="{{ b5_top_container }}">
    {{ page.footer }}
{% endif %}

I recommend changing the footer section into the following, though I don't know if that aligns with this theme's standard "right way" of doing things:

{% if page.footer %}
<footer class="mt-auto {{ footer_classes }}">
  <div class="{{ b5_top_container }}">
    <div class="row">
      {% for content in page.footer %}
        <div class="col">
          {{ content }}
      {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
🐛 Bug report






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