- Issue created by @wouter.h
- 🇧🇪Belgium wouter.h
My solution ensures that in the "strReplaceFirst" function it specifically searches for a URL alias that starts with a part instead of the first occurring part in the URL.
private function strReplaceFirst(string $search, string $replace, string $subject) { if(str_starts_with($subject, $search)) { $pos = strpos($subject, $search); if ($pos !== false) { return substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, strlen($search)); } } return $subject; }
After checking, I notice that it no longer replaces the news part of the "facets_pretty_paths" module, but the effective first part of the URL remains untranslated.
"/search/type/news" should be "/search/type/news"
After removing the "break;" in the "getOutboundPath" function everything works as expected