[1.x] CKEditor5 Tags

Created on 14 May 2024, about 1 month ago


The CKEditor5 Tags module integrates directly as a widget for CKEditor 5 and allows to integrate semantic tags inside your text, to decouple business logic from (otherwise unnecessarily dynamic) components.

What could I use it for?

Let's imagine you have a component into a page that should display data from a remote source:
This plugin will let you inject dynamic data into a totally static and "unaware" component, effectively decoupling the data-logic from its representation on its context.

Where can I use tags?

Everywhere rich text can be placed! The modules comes with a handy JS library for easy data substitution with spinners.
Tags can also be styled as you wish.

Commitment to Security:

I am committed to maintaining and updating this module in collaboration with the Drupal security team to ensure it adheres to Drupal's best security practices and coding standards.

Project link

https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor5_tags →

Thank you for considering this module for security advisory coverage.

📌 Task

Needs work



Created by

🇮🇹Italy devicious

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