Unblocking existing Drupal user that is added back to AD

Created on 27 March 2024, 3 months ago
Updated 9 April 2024, 3 months ago


We have employees who frequently leave the organization and return. When they leave, they are removed from AD, and we have LDAP configured to "Disable the account and keep its content."

In LDAP settings, we have the AD objectGUID mapped to the Drupal/LDAP PUID. When a user returns, a new object is created in AD, which would have a new guid and sid, but their old email and userid get set to their old settings.

So when a previous user is added back to AD, their Drupal account does not get unblocked, nor does another account get created (which we definitely don't want ... probably bc of email/userid conflict?). We manually set the user back to active in Drupal, and then they sync fine again with AD. Which I am unclear how that actually happens? Does LDAP reassociate/resync the PUID with the objectGUID?

Do you have any thoughts on our setup, and if there are any changes we could make so that we can add back users and not have to manually unblock them in Drupal?

πŸ’¬ Support request






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States willabby

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  • Issue created by @willabby
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States willabby
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bluegeek9

    Does LDAP reassociate/resync the PUID with the objectGUID?

    No. Thu PUID is only set when the account is created.

    Is it possible to disable this user in the domain instead of deleting it? I imagine this is not under your control, so I guess it is not an option.

    If you clear the user's PUID field the user might be able to log in successfully, enabling the disabled user.

    Does this user get disabled when the orphan processor runs next? Without the PUID being changed, I expect the account would be disabled because the PUID value is not found in the domain.

    I need to see your settings to say anything more.

    https://www.drupal.org/docs/extending-drupal/contributed-modules/contrib... β†’

  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info 3 months ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bluegeek9
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States willabby

    Sorry for the delay in response! First, no, it is not possible to just disable the user in AD, you are correct in assuming we have no control over AD, plus there is no way to know which users might return.

    Also when the orphan processor runs next, the user does not get disabled again. Once we set them to active, they sync with their AD account and stay active.

    Here are our settings, thanks for taking a look:

    PHP LDAP module

    'LDAP Support': enabled
    'Total Links': 0/unlimited
    'API Version': '3001'
    'Vendor Name': OpenLDAP
    'Vendor Version': '20457'
    'SASL Support': Enabled
    - 'Local Value'
    - 'Master Value'
    - Unlimited
    - Unlimited
    LDAP debug configuration
    { }

    Currently active Drupal user registration setting: admin_only

    LDAP user configuration
    default_config_hash: xxxxxxesw
    drupalAcctProvisionServer: xxxxx_ldap
    ldapEntryProvisionServer: null
    - drupal_on_login
    - drupal_on_update_create
    ldapEntryProvisionTriggers: { }
    orphanedIncludeDisabledUsers: false
    orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior: user_cancel_block
    orphanedCheckQty: 1300
    orphanedAccountCheckInterval: always
    userConflictResolve: resolve
    manualAccountConflict: conflict_associate
    acctCreation: user_settings_for_ldap
    disableAdminPasswordField: false
    userUpdateCronQuery: test_users
    userUpdateCronInterval: always
    userUpdateOnly: false
    ldap_attr: '[dn]'
    user_attr: '[field.ldap_user_current_dn]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: xxxxx_ldap
    user_attr: '[field.ldap_user_puid_sid]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[objectguid]'
    user_attr: '[field.ldap_user_puid]'
    convert: true
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: objectguid
    user_attr: '[field.ldap_user_puid_property]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[l]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_city_address]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[department]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_dept]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[displayname]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_display_name]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[employeeid]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_employee_id]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[facsimiletelephonenumber]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_fax_number]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[givenname]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_first_name]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[title]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_job_title]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[sn]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_last_name]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[otherTelephone]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_phone_ext]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[st]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_state_address]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[street]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_street_address]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[telephonenumber]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_tel_number]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap_attr: '[postalcode]'
    user_attr: '[field.field_user_zip_address]'
    convert: false
    user_tokens: ''
    config_module: ldap_user
    prov_module: ldap_user
    - create_drupal_user
    - sync_to_drupal_user
    ldap: { }
    Drupal LDAP servers
    Server xxxx LDAP:
    uuid: xxxxxxxxx
    langcode: en
    status: true
    dependencies: { }
    id: xxxxx_ldap
    label: 'xxxxx LDAP'
    type: ad
    address: xxx.xxx.xxx
    port: 389
    timeout: 10
    encryption: none
    weight: null
    bind_method: service_account
    binddn: '***'
    bindpw: '***'
    - 'OU=xxxxx,DC=xxxx,DC=gov'
    user_attr: samaccountname
    account_name_attr: ''
    mail_attr: mail
    mail_template: ''
    picture_attr: ''
    unique_persistent_attr: objectguid
    unique_persistent_attr_binary: true
    user_dn_expression: ''
    testing_drupal_username: ''
    testing_drupal_user_dn: ''
    grp_unused: false
    grp_object_cat: group
    grp_nested: true
    grp_user_memb_attr_exists: true
    grp_user_memb_attr: memberof
    grp_memb_attr: distinguishedname
    grp_memb_attr_match_user_attr: cn
    grp_derive_from_dn: true
    grp_derive_from_dn_attr: cn
    grp_test_grp_dn: ''
    grp_test_grp_dn_writeable: ''

  • Status changed to Active 3 months ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bluegeek9
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bluegeek9

    A recent feature allows orphan processing of disabled users. I do not know if this will help, but it is worth trying.

    ✨ Enable orphan processor for blocked users Fixed

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States willabby

    So a user is disabled when their account gets removed from AD. They remain in Drupal as blocked, during this time if using this new feature, orphan processing would not update the disabled account account, as there would be no matching account in AD, right? Are you suggesting that once the account is returned to AD with same username/pw, that this new feature might help it resync and automatically reactivate it?

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bluegeek9

    So a user is disabled when their account gets removed from AD. They remain in Drupal as blocked, during this time if using this new feature, orphan processing would not update the disabled account, as there would be no matching account in AD, right?


    Are you suggesting that once the account is returned to AD with same username/pw, that this new feature might help it resync and automatically reactivate it?

    Yes. I don't think the password needs to be the same. I haven't tried reproducing your scenario. I do not know why it works after the account is enabled in Drupal.

    Enabling orphan processing on disabled accounts has little risk, the accounts are already disabled.

    This is not as elegant as it just working when the user logs in.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States willabby

    Ok we will give this a try and let you know. I will have to wait for a returning employee though, as we have very limited ability to do any testing on AD :(.

    (Also i meant to say same username/email - not password).

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