- Issue created by @idiaz.roncero
- πͺπΈSpain idiaz.roncero Madrid
The only HLJS API that can be applied is of little use:
{ "aliases": [ "html" ] }
So it seems the only solution should be to manually maintain the list of aliases inside this module.
- πͺπΈSpain idiaz.roncero Madrid
This error also prevents the Copy plugin for getting loaded, and will break this functionality. Updating issue to reflect this.
- πͺπΈSpain idiaz.roncero Madrid
Lacking a JS API, I think the best place to perform the alias resolution is inside the filter.
This way, the language will be correctly marked as its alias (HTML) bu the correct *.min.js file will be loaded from unpkg.
It will also have better performance as filters are only executed on content update while a client-side resolution would be executed every time.
I've created a draft MR with my proposal. I've only added aliases for HTML, but it would need to have any possible Highlightjs alias added, which is the main pain point (it introduces maintainability problems!).
Any ideas on how to solve the "getting-the-alias-info" problem is welcome!
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 12:14pm 14 November 2023 - πͺπΈSpain idiaz.roncero Madrid
Changing to Needs Review and upgrading priority as this is breaking the Copy functionality.
- Status changed to Needs work
over 1 year ago 5:35pm 23 November 2023 - π¨π¦Canada stickton
I can't comment on if the architecture idea is good or not as I'm only starting out with this module, but this change seems to work.
line 50 needs updating to the fixed multiples issue π Error when several instances of same language on the page Fixed
'highlightJsLanguages' => array_values(array_unique($languages)),
- Status changed to Needs review
about 1 year ago 5:30am 27 February 2024 - π³πΏNew Zealand siramsay
#11 was committed but didn't get in https://www.drupal.org/project/highlightjs_input_filter/issues/3402489#c... π Error when several instances of same language on the page Fixed
I have tested the code from https://git.drupalcode.org/project/highlightjs_input_filter/-/merge_requ... and this work good.
I had found the same with the HTML when updating from a custom highlight.js file I had been using with 1.0.1. I found that HTML was breaking the rendering due to highlight.js not having an HTML language file at the route
. This resolve alias function works as I hoped. Thank you.
- πΊπΈUnited States nmangold United States
@idiaz.roncero Thank you for working on this. I have been trying to solve the language alias issue since the start.
As you have discovered, the highlightjs code does not allow getting the aliased languages, and it is not a trivial change. Also, I would rather not maintain that list in the filter due to the maintainability problem.
Can you look at https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/3938, which is the upstream issue regarding this problem. The best solution might be a third-party plugin to bridge the gap, but that is currently beyond my knowledge of library.
- πΊπΈUnited States kentr Durango, CO
Having to choose XML for HTML out-of-the-box feels like bad UX to me. HTML isn't a subset of XML.
A compromise is only maintaining a small set of aliases for common cases. I'd put HTML in that group.
That group could be limited to the default languages supported by the core Code Block plugin. Once someone starts adding their own languages to the Code Block config for their site, they can specify the correct aliases.
Of the current Code Block defaults, I believe that the only entries that don't have their own highlight.js language files are HTML and C#.
languages: - label: 'Plain text' language: plaintext - label: C language: c - label: 'C#' language: cs // "csharp" in highlight.js - label: C++ language: cpp - label: CSS language: css - label: Diff language: diff - label: HTML language: html // "xml" in highlight.js - label: Java language: java - label: JavaScript language: javascript - label: PHP language: php - label: Python language: python - label: Ruby language: ruby - label: TypeScript language: typescript - label: XML language: xml
Another solution is using (or offering the option to use) the pre-built highlight.js bundle with common languages. My guess is that would solve most cases, but that's just a guess. I don't know how they decide what languages to include in the bundle.Granted, loading unnecessary assets is also bad UX. It may be the lesser of two evils for some sites.
- πͺπ¨Ecuador andres.torres
Hi all,
I'm trying this module for the first time on a fresh Drupal 10.2.7 install, followed the instructions on the documentation, but seems the issue is still present on v 1.1.2 of the module. See screenshots for reference, Chrome/Firefox Dev tools pretty much shows the same error described here for all the snippets supported by ckeditor 5 code snippets in Core (php, xml, bash, etc etc) also it doesn't seem to apply the hljs theme.
- π¨π¦Canada stickton
You can still use a patched version which is what I'm doing.
From what I can see @idiaz.roncero's pull request didn't make it in:
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/highlightjs_input_filter/-/merge_requ... - πͺπ¨Ecuador andres.torres
Thanks @TheTomatoFarmerReturns, just quick question here, i dont see a patch attached + not sure if you are using the dev version of the module or a custom patch ( or git repo code )? if you can provide more instructions on how to make this module usable for the time being, it'll be great. Changing the issue to Critical since the module is unusable as it is on v 1.1.2.
- Status changed to Active
8 months ago 4:14pm 24 June 2024 - π³πΏNew Zealand siramsay
I have it working with 1.1.2.
See my comment #12
In short, use this https://git.drupalcode.org/project/highlightjs_input_filter/-/merge_requ...
I think this was included in latest release https://www.drupal.org/project/highlightjs_input_filter/issues/3402489#c... π Error when several instances of same language on the page Fixed - πͺπ¨Ecuador andres.torres
Thanks @siramsay! good to know! as i mentioned, V. 1.1.2/dev of this module current release on a D-10.2/10.3 fresh install is not a working version, so ideally for the sake of having a Drupal working workflow, we might need to provide a tested patch (through composer) here on this issue and/or wait 'till the MR goes into the main line asap.
- π³πΏNew Zealand siramsay
I'm using 10.2.6. I will test update to 10.3.0 this/next week.
The reason for the code not being included is that someone would need to manage an alias list.
I think the best way around this would be to have an alias list for any of the Drupal core code block module that ships with CKEditor 5. #14
Having a UI administration page could be the way to go for people that want to enhance the alias list. - πΊπΈUnited States kentr Durango, CO
@andres.torres Except for the alias issues outlined here and the separate issues of π Filter has false positives Needs review , I've been using this module on a lot of languages without a problem (bash, ini, javascript, json, shell, xml, yaml, probably more).
Currently using
of the module on core10.1.7
, with the patch in π Filter has false positives Needs review . The browser console error in that case is similar to the error described here.I wonder if your issue is something besides this one, at least partly.
Excuse me if you know this, I can't tell from your comments:
You can get a raw text patch from a merge request by adding
to the merge request URL, and you can use that URL incomposer.json
to patch withcomposer
. Here for MR #5. - πΊπΈUnited States kentr Durango, CO
I meant core version
in my previous comment. - πΊπΈUnited States nmangold United States
Aside from this issue, and potentially other open issues, this module works as expected on fresh vanilla Drupal installs for both 10.2.x and 10.3.x, as I just tested.
@andres.torres I assume your issue is a conflict within your environment. I see the incorrect mime type and CORS request errors in your console log. I suggest investigating those. Others are also using this module successfully.
I have not merged this MR yet as there was some discussion about how to improve the solution. The problem is maintaining the list of aliases. I am leaning towards only supporting the CKEditor 5 code block languages by default as that seems reasonable. Hopefully, this will be easier to solve upstream in the future.
- πͺπ¨Ecuador andres.torres
Thank you all for your input here guys! really appreciated! I'm using Radix and a sub-theme generated from it so probably the error i'm facing comes from there, i'll keep testing and keep you posted.
nmangold β
committed 4e6e7bc2 on 1.1.x authored by
idiaz.roncero β
Issue #3401537 by idiaz.roncero, nmangold: Non aliased languages fail to...
nmangold β
committed 4e6e7bc2 on 1.1.x authored by
idiaz.roncero β
- Status changed to Fixed
8 months ago 7:22am 29 June 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.