- Issue created by @ressa
- @ressa opened merge request.
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Needs review
about 1 year ago 9:55am 12 November 2023
In the claro_compact.info.yml file, some strings are quoted:
header: 'Header'
pre_content: 'Pre-content'
breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumb'
highlighted: 'Highlighted'
help: 'Help'
content: 'Content'
page_top: 'Page top'
page_bottom: 'Page bottom'
sidebar_first: 'First sidebar'
From https://git.drupalcode.org/project/claro_compact/-/blob/8.x-1.x/claro_co...
The rules for strings in YAML are complicated, but since you don't need to quote a string, as long as the first character is not a special character, we could just remove them to align with Claro and Olivero, where this has already been done:
For more, see:
Remove all single quotes in claro_compact.info.yml.
Needs review