GitLab Acceleration Initiative meeting on 15 Nov, 2023

Created on 1 November 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 3 January 2024, about 1 year ago

This meeting:
➤ Is for core developers, initiative contributors, the Drupal Association and anyone interested in the initiative.
➤ Usually happens every other Wednesday at 11:00 PT / Thursday 18:00 UTC
➤ Is done over chat.
➤ Happens in threads, which you can follow to be notified of new replies even if you don’t comment in the thread. You may also join the meeting later and participate asynchronously!
➤ Lots of threads get posted all at once! Don't worry - start at the top and then jump into the threads that most interest you.
➤ Has a public agenda anyone can add to in the issue
➤ *Transcript will be exported and posted* to the agenda issue. For anonymous comments, start with a :bust_in_silhouette: emoji. To take a comment or thread off the record, start with a :no_entry_sign: emoji.

ping: @mixologic @FeyP @jurgenhaas (go to the issue of the next meeting to add or remove yourself from the list)


0️⃣ Who is here today? Comment in the thread below to introduce yourself!

1️⃣ Do you have any topics to propose for the meeting today? Feel free to propose them in this thread, and then I will give them their own unique threads for discussion. Conversation moving slow? Go ahead and open your own thread in the next numeric order.

2️⃣ Could use some opinions here in regard to subsystemmaintainer permissions in gitlab (by @Björn Brala (bbrala)): 📌 Subsystem maintainer permissions on GitLab Needs work

3️⃣  :calendar: Scheduling - Just an FYIWith US Thanksgiving next week I'm actually out for the whole week.Neil is back Mon-Wed.But the US pretty much shuts down Thu-Fri. (edited) 

4️⃣ GitLab CI seems to be working pretty swimmingly.There are certainly still issues being resolved in the templates: some resolved in core (related to test only jobs, random fails, mariadb)But I would say these are really now out of the scope of the acceleration initiative itself, and just into support for the new thing.

5️⃣ GitLab Issues:Contention for human time is as much as issue as the specific next steps, but some of the other things taking up DA team time are getting closer to resolution.High urgency AutoUpdates infra work and such is coming along really wellI expect us to be able to pick up the SSO blocker work in Dec and make a plan for getting it cleared.


cmlara, hestenet, dww, bbrala, quietone

🌱 Plan




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🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

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