- Issue created by @CProfessionals
- First commit to issue fork.
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 6:26am 2 November 2023 - 🇮🇳India viren18febs
Hi @CProfessionals
I have updated the json file as per Proposed resolution & patch added, please review.
- 🇺🇸United States j2 Utah, USA
This module does not currently work with Drupal 10 due to the inability to update it.
- 🇷🇴Romania rares petru samartean
To anyone else having trouble with this, from the module readme:
If you want Composer to automatically download the Ace Library
to the /libraries folder when installing the module, you must
update your root project composer.json in the following sections:"extra" section: add the following:
"installer-types": [
"installer-paths": {
"libraries/{$name}": [
}"repositories" section: add the following:
"assets": {
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://asset-packagist.org"
}(see details: https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/using-composer/using-composer-to-ins... → )
After the previous updates, run:
$ composer require 'drupal/ace_editor:^1.0'
$ composer require 'drupal/ace_editor:1.x-dev'
The Ace library will be downloaded to the /libraries folder
with '$ composer install/update'. Only one version
(minified, noconflict...) is required. Other folders
(including /demo) can be removed. - 🇷🇴Romania rares petru samartean
Nevermind my above comment. It seems that text editor code is not yet adapted, to me at least. I don't know exactly how external libraries loading works but it seems the module is currently trying to load libraries that aren't defined anywhere, in src/Plugin/Editor/AceEditor.php line 166:
$theme_exist = \Drupal::service('library.discovery')->getLibraryByName('ace_editor', 'theme.' . $theme); $mode_exist = \Drupal::service('library.discovery')->getLibraryByName('ace_editor', 'mode.' . $mode);
So I'm assuming, as it was said above, this is just not updated yet.
- 🇮🇳India ravi kant Jaipur
The Patch #3 is not applying.
But worked according suggestion by @Rares Petru Samartean #5.
Only i download the module and ran composer install. - 🇮🇳India ravi kant Jaipur
The library is not installing as i have commented above.
I downloaded from below URL , copied in libraries folder and renamed folder name as ace-builds.
https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace-builds - 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
Downloading third-party libraries using Composer →
Updated the Project description page
- Status changed to Closed: won't fix
8 months ago 2:03pm 19 June 2024 - 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah JordanInstallation
Install with Composer (recommended) or manually, by following these steps.Install with Composer
Define npm-asset repository in thecomposer.json
file, to allow downloading the ACE Editor JavaScript library to the correct folder:composer config repositories.assets composer https://asset-packagist.org composer config --json extra.installer-types '["npm-asset", "bower-asset"]' composer config --json extra.installer-paths.web\/libraries\/ace '["npm-asset/ace-builds"]' composer config --unset extra.installer-paths.web\/libraries\/\{\$name\} composer config --json extra.installer-paths.web\/libraries\/\{\$name\} '["type:drupal-library", "type:bower-asset", "type:npm-asset"]'
Download the ACE Editor module and install it:
composer require drupal/ace_editor:~2.0 drush en ace_editor