- Issue created by @wxman
- heddn Nicaragua
What version of PHP and are there any patches for fivestar installed? What widgets and settings are in use for fivestar field?
- πΊπΈUnited States wxman
PHP 8.1.23; Memory limit 256M
Field visibility and permissions: Not set
Number of stars: Five Stars
Allow users to cancel their ratings.
Allow users to vote on their own content.
Select when user can rate the field: Rated while viewing
Allowed number of values: 1 - πΊπΈUnited States tr Cascadia
This is not D10 per se - it's PHP 8.1 that triggers the error. This is a duplicate of π Deprecated function addcslashes() warning caused by empty value Fixed and should be handled there.
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
over 1 year ago 9:38pm 2 October 2023