- Issue created by @yookoala
- @yookoala opened merge request.
- 🇭🇰Hong Kong yookoala
Implemented the change I mentioned. Please check if this is good enough for production. Thanks.
If things go right, I should be able to create a new sub theme by running this in bash with drush:
drush php:eval " $m = new \Drupal\bootstrap5\SubthemeManager(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('file_system'), \Drupal::getContainer()->get('messenger')); echo $m->createSubtheme('mysubtheme', 'My Bootstrap 5 Subtheme', 'themes/custom'); "
- Assigned to yookoala
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 12:24pm 15 September 2023 - Issue was unassigned.