Conflict with acquia_cms profile

Created on 23 August 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 10 October 2023, over 1 year ago


Not able to run database updates because of dependency conflict with acquia_cms profile.

Steps to reproduce

When using both acquia_cms version: 1.5.5, and acquia_cms_common version: 2.1.7 (due to being on D9.5.x still).
NOTE: obviously you can't just install acquia_cms_common at the version mentioned, you have to need to run the update, and installing the module at the version mentioned here will mean the highwater mark is set - and the update won't run. So either start with a lower version and then update, or just roll your highwater mark back one number (so the update will run).

Visit /update.php or run drush updb.

Proposed resolution

Situation is:


name: Acquia CMS
core_version_requirement: ^9
version: '1.5.5'
  - purge:purge_processor_lateruntime


 * Implements hook_update_N().
 * Uninstall Late runtime processor module.
function acquia_cms_common_update_8007() {
  if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('purge_processor_lateruntime')) {
    // Uninstall purge_processor_lateruntime module.

Which results in a fatal error.

The commits relate to:

Which is titled "Merge branch '3.x' into HEAD" and, given this is the 2.x branch - I need to know if the wrong thing has been committed here? If not, then I will raise this as an issue against the acquia_cms profile instead.

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom pobster

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @pobster
  • 🇮🇳India sahal_va

    I have similar issue after updating this module. Did you find any solution/workaround ? @pobster

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom pobster


    I've left it with Acquia (who I don't mind saying, were really useless with it) - but yes, there are three solutions.

    1. You can convert your acquia_cms profile to instead be the "minimal" profile.
    That way the dependency will come from your own core.extension.yml and not the acquia_cms profile.
    2. If you do need/ use purge_processor_lateruntime, edit the acquia_cms_common.install file to:

     * Implements hook_update_N().
     * Uninstall Late runtime processor module.
    function acquia_cms_common_update_8007() {
      // Just mark this update as having been "run".  This way it won't be run again.

    3. If you don't need the purge_processor_lateruntime module installed, edit profiles/contrib/acquia_cms/ and remove this line:

    - purge:purge_processor_lateruntime

  • Assigned to rajeshreeputra
  • Issue was unassigned.
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