- Issue created by @zarpele
- Assigned to jay jangid
- Issue was unassigned.
- 🇮🇳India jay jangid Jaipur
I have created a Patch as per the Proposed resolution provided in the issue summary.
Kindly review this patch.
Thanks. - 🇦🇷Argentina zarpele
Thanks for your contribution @jay-jangid, but this issue tries to update the module description placed it https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_mercadopago → not in the code module itself.
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 2:27pm 9 November 2023 I updated the module description and placed the image. Let me know if you have more ideas to improve the module description.
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 2:28pm 9 November 2023 - 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹
I am removing a duplicate issue tag. I apologize for bumping this issue.