- Issue created by @Abh1shek
- 🇮🇳India mayursolaskar
The issue mentioned above is reproducible @Abh1shek Chauhan. To address this problem, I made changes in _header.scss file(Added Code SC). However, it's important to note that the Package.json file is missing. We need to include the Package.json file and then compile the SCSS file. After compiling, the changes were reflected in the style.css file.
Original: background: url(../images/icons/search-icon.svg) top right no-repeat; Modified: background: url(../images/icons/search-icon.svg) right 24px top no-repeat;
By updating the positioning values, I resolved the search and cross-button overlapping issues. I have attached a screenshot for reference. Please review and confirm.
Note:-Before installing the EduX theme, make sure to install the required theme, TheX theme.
Thank you.