- Issue created by @quietone
- Status changed to Fixed
11 months ago 8:12pm 30 January 2024 - π¨π¦Canada webchick Vancouver π¨π¦
mtift β credited webchick β .
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
Donna Benjamin
Angie Byron
George DeMet
Adam Hill
Agenda / Discussions
* No new incident reports.
* Conflict between two authors on Drupal Planet. Donna trying to provide conflict mediation assistance but this is not a formal CWG issue.
* Adam contacted one of the two parties in the testbot incident. Waiting to hear back from other. Donna to reach out to Josh at the DA to gather more info on the DA's stance as background info.
* Donna made suggestion about possible facilitator for a community skills workshop, in Portland around time of OSCON. Need to finalize pricing, logistics, attendee list, etc. Donna to write up a proposal.
* Our action plan policy is still outstanding, moved to agenda item next week of how to wrap that up.
mtift β credited webchick β .
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.