Deprecate the touchevents JavaScript library and update CSS

Created on 18 July 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 1 September 2024, 6 months ago


touchevents is (I think) the only core library that sets header:true - this was to keep it alongside modernizr which is now deprecated.

There are two issues with this:

1. It's an extra http request
2. JavaScript is render blocking, so while this is a tiny file and small amount of JavaScript, it's still a round trip before the rest of the page can be rendered.

Steps to reproduce

Load the Umami front page as an admin, or possibly any page with contextual links etc.

Proposed resolution

This only adds a class for styling, it doesn't add anything (apart from the class) that other js might rely on, so can we just move it to the footer?

Remaining tasks

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API changes

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Release notes snippet

📌 Task

Needs work


11.0 🔥

Javascript  →

Last updated 3 days ago

  • Maintained by
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom @justafish
  • 🇫🇷France @nod_
Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

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  • Issue created by @catch
  • Status changed to Needs review over 1 year ago
  • last update over 1 year ago
    29,812 pass, 2 fail
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch
  • Status changed to Needs work over 1 year ago
  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    This might increase layout shift at least in Claro because touchevents impact how buttons are rendered there. I've advocated before that we should just try to get rid of the whole library because making decisions on whether touchevents are enabled or not doesn't necessarily make a lot of sense because it doesn't mean that the user is navigating using touch.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I think those test failures might be real.

    Getting rid of the detection altogether sounds sensible - especially now there's desktop touch monitors and etc and the fact that as far as I can tell we don't use actual touch events API for anything anyway. I guess the question then would be do we just always style it as if touchevents are on given most browser support that to make it the least change?

    Re-titled for the less specific solution.

  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    I think we'd probably want to adopt the no-touchevent styles at least as a starting point. We may have to look if there are some styles (e.g. the small variation of the dropbutton) that we have to update.

  • Merge request !9156Deprecate the library and remove usages. → (Open) created by catch
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Put up a start.

    Still todo:

    1. We need to change all the Claro CSS to remove the .no-touchevents selectors so that the styles are applied without the library being in use.

    2. Need to figure out what to do in stable9, and whether the .no-touchevents class should be added to page.tpl.php or somewhere in stable9.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Another possibilty to removing support altogether:

    If we did that, we could keep the existing CSS styling but remove the classes and use media queries instead.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Made a commit for that.

    Advantage if this approach is OK, is that we can keep the Claro design identical while removing the JS. If we then want to change the Claro design later, that could be done separately. It also gives contrib themes a clear direction for the upgrade path.

  • 🇺🇸United States mherchel Gainesville, FL, US

    Yeah, I like the path of using media queries. The CSS looks good, although we need to spend a bit of extra time to make sure the rulesets still apply since the specificity is changing (the media queries don't add specificity like the HTML classes did).

    Tests are failing, but I'm not sure why.

  • 🇺🇸United States mherchel Gainesville, FL, US

    Fixed and verified the specificity. This should be RTBC as soon as the tests are passing.

  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    6 months ago
    Total: 630s
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I only did a sample of files because my CSS is not great, as evidenced by the review.

    We still have a lot of touchevents references in core with the current state of the MR that will need similar conversions. It looks like more work than it is because of the .pcss.css vs.. .css files.


    Another thing to figure out here is backwards compatibility for existing contrib/custom stylesheets. What I think would be the simplest would be if we added 'no-touchevents' to the body tag in stable9 - that way themes will get those styles applied until they update to media queries, but everyone benefits from not having to load the js. If that's not acceptable, we'd probably have alter the touchevents library back into the other library definitions from stable9 - if themes can implement hook_library_info_alter() that is probably doable.

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Qusai Taha Amman

    Re-roll the merge request to be compatible with version 10.3.2

  • 🇫🇷France nod_ Lille

    Please work only on the Merge request, patches are not tested in any way anymore, see →

  • First commit to issue fork.
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    5 months ago
  • Hi,

    as far as i understood with comments and requirement to remove touchevent and no.touchevent selectors from the files mentioned above by comment #15 but i found some file not there for example themes/claro/claro/claro.libraries.yml there is no claro name directory inside claro theme also i wanted to ask about this file misc/touchevents-test.js it contain the touchevent js should i delete the file? i have create MR for it if i have done anything wrong here do let me know.

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