Automatic Updates Initiative meeting on July 25, 2023

Created on 11 July 2023, 12 months ago
Updated 4 January 2024, 6 months ago

This meeting:
➤ Is for core developers, initiative contributors, the Drupal Association and anyone interested in the initiative.
➤ Usually happens every other Tuesday at 1700 UTC.
➤ Is done over chat.
➤ Happens in threads, which you can follow to be notified of new replies even if you don’t comment in the thread. You may also join the meeting later and participate asynchronously!
➤ Has a public agenda anyone can add to
➤ *Transcript will be exported and posted* to the agenda issue. For anonymous comments, start with a :bust_in_silhouette: emoji. To take a comment or thread off the record, start with a :no_entry_sign: emoji.


0️⃣ Who is here today? Comment in the thread below to introduce yourself and tell us why you are joining us.

1️⃣ Do you have any topics to propose for the meeting today? Feel free to propose them in this thread, and then I will give them their own unique threads for discussion. Conversation moving slow? Go ahead and open your own thread in the next numeric order.

2️⃣ :drupalcon: DrupalCon Lille Session for Auto Updates

3️⃣ Security Audit status - TUF/Rugged componentsI am told that 3 organizations have responded to the RFP with OSTIF - I'm waiting details so that we can make a selection.

4️⃣ Security Audit status - Drupal components

5️⃣ Some targets being missed by Rugged signing process: is a merge that is passing the current tests - but @ergonlogic is working on some additional test coverage for scaling number of targets being tested.

6️⃣ Major progress on including security advisory information in the packagist/compsoer api: Implement “list security advisories” Packagist/Composer API Fixed


hestenet, pwolanin, xjm, Gábor Hojtsy, mlhess, drumm

📌 Task






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🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

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