- Issue created by @Grabby
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
over 1 year ago 8:00am 3 July 2023 - 🇳🇱Netherlands Lendude Amsterdam
Not quite sure what "the same view mode as what the user views the full content with" means?
Can you provide some steps to reproduce this on a clean install of Drupal?
- Status changed to Closed: cannot reproduce
8 months ago 12:15am 16 July 2024 - 🇦🇺Australia acbramley
Thanks for reporting this issue. We rely on issue reports like this one to resolve bugs and improve Drupal core.
As part of the Bug Smash Initiative, we are triaging issues that are marked "Postponed (maintainer needs more info)". This issue was marked "Postponed (maintainer needs more info)" more than 1 year ago.
Since we need more information to move forward with this issue, I am closing it.
Please feel free to reopen with more information.
- 🇮🇱Israel taitai
This issue is very alive, I am on Drupal 10.3.6
It does not matter what display mode you set, you always get the default display mode.
Very simple to recreate:
Create a view page of one content type
Format: Unformatted list
Show: Content
Choose any view mode
Look at the results
Change the settings view mode
The results do not change
Access was set to unrestricted