- Issue created by @bnjmnm
- 🇺🇸United States mortona2k Seattle
Resurfacing some points from the parent issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3364659#comment-15129593 📌 Give display modes a description Fixed
Agree with you that we'd need to show this on:
The view mode list, same way as we have descriptions on node lists
The view mode form on the entity Manage Display/Manage Form DisplaySomething similar to what Display Mode Guidelines → is doing, but it'll need some work to create the mocks/come up with a visual solution to know where to place it and how it needs to look like, so a follow-up to discuss it would be great and we don't block this work.
- 🇺🇸United States mortona2k Seattle
The Display Mode Guidelines module adds an extra guidelines field to the view mode config and sets a message to display it on the manage display tab. It doesn't show the description field.
An alternative to adding a message is to update the help text for the page and add details about the display. Seeing other bundles it's enabled for would be useful too.