Promote bnjmnm from provisional accessibility topic maintainer to full accessibility topic maintainer

Created on 7 June 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 8 June 2023, almost 2 years ago


Ben was added as a provisional accessibility topic maintainer in #3171267: Add bnjmnm as a provisional accessibility topic maintainer instead of a full accessibility topic maintainer because there were some concerns about potential conflict of interest. Based on what I've seen, Ben has been doing a fantastic job in the role and I've not heard that there would have been any further concerns about the conflict of interest while he has acted in this role. I discussed with @mgifford at DrupalCon Pittsburgh and he was supportive and enthusiastic to invite Ben as a full accessibility topic maintainer.

This can be seen most evidently in the CKEditor 5 project where Ben raised several stable blocking accessibility issues, which some of them required upstream bug fixes: #3238333: Roadmap to CKEditor 5 stable in Drupal 9 .

Some other issues that highlight Ben's commitment to improving Drupals accessibility:

  1. 📌 Automated A11y tests in Nightwatch Fixed
  2. Add new Splitbutton render element to eventually replace Dropbutton Needs work
  3. 📌 Focus is lost on dialog close if the opener is inside a collapsible element Fixed
  4. #3210435: Consistent Navigation violation with secondary tabs

Proposed resolution

Promote bnjmnm to full accessibility topic maintainer.

📌 Task



11.0 🔥


Last updated about 8 hours ago

Created by

🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

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