Succession Management: templates and resources

Created on 3 June 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 22 June 2023, over 1 year ago


We wanted to create a collection of resources about succession management and preventing burnout specifically pertaining to Open Source and its communities.


One of the biggest issues within Open Source, in our humble opinion, is succession management.
There are a lot of folks who feel stuck in there respective roles, or are scared they will get stuck because of a lack of tools, successors and support around gracefully stepping down.

Proposed resolution

Elli Ludwigson and Jordana Fung are doing a session about these topics for DrupalCon Pittsburgh in June 2023 and decided the best way to collect and build on these resources is to do it together.
We created this issue to gather templates, resources and other relevant information to be shared, collaborated on and to be used within Open Source communities.

Process and where to find it

As of now, Elli and Jordana are leading this initiative, but will solicit help from the wider community and the Community Health team within the CWG.

Proposal roadmap

This is an initial document to be used as a starting point. We hope that the community will contribute and collaborate in order for this to grow.

Not in scope


Related work


Existing core features

TODO - add relevant links from D.O

Open core issues


Contributed projects

TODO - Add links to other Open Source Community initiatives that are similar

Team and resources

Who is already on the team, and what resources you have or need. Consider if there is a proposed initiative coordinator. (Initiative coordinators act as project and community managers with a strategic agenda, and help guide a team of people interested in helping the initiative to succeed. Initiative coordinators don't have direct decision making powers; rather, they work to build buy-in among those who do have decision-making powers: product managers, subsystem maintainers, topic coordinators, etc.)

If your initiative will affect the user interface or user interactions, make sure to take into account the need for design and usability iteration. See the proposal for revising the user experience process for background information.


Get the buy-in of stakeholders before you start work. The issue is RTBC when the stakeholders agree on the plan and it has the needed signoffs. See the core governance overview for the signoffs you need. In general, you will probably need signoffs from release managers; product managers or framework managers or both (depending on the work); and possibly subsystem or topic maintainers (depending on the work). Work that impacts the nature of Drupal itself (its governance, philosophy, goals, etc.) also needs signoff from the BDFL.

Signoffs needed

A list of maintainer names who need to give signoff.

Signoffs given

A list of links to issues/comments in which each signoff was given.

🌱 Plan




Created by

πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡·Suriname jordana Suriname

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