- Issue created by @charles belov
- 🇨🇦Canada mgifford Ottawa, Ontario
Thanks for reporting this Charles. Just tagging.
If content translation has been enabled for a website, and a field within a content type has been designated as translatable, then when a node in the site's primary language gets a new translation, the translatable fields in the new translation are pre-populated with the original contents in the website's language. Until such time as the contents of the field are translated, I would expect that content to be surrounded with a tag that marks its language as not being in the page's language. However, as of Drupal 10.0.9, the content is not being so marked.
As an administrator:
1. Create an English-language website
2. Add Spanish as a content translation language
3. Make the Article content type translatable and hide untranslatable fields from translation edits
4. Make all the existing fields translatable
7. Add Content > Article
8. Enter a title "English page with translatable content"
9. Enter body text "This content is translatable."
10. Leave the page language as English
11. Save/publish
12. Click the Translate tab
13. Replace the title with "Página en inglés con contenido traducible"
14. Do not edit the body field
15. Save/publish
17. Right-click the words "This content is translatable."
Expected result:
<div class="field__item" lang="en"><p>This content is translatable.</p></div>
Actual result:
<div class="field__item"><p>This content is translatable.</p></div>
Option 1:
Assume that if an editor has edited the field, that the contents of the field are now translated. While this is a risky assumption, at least formattable text fields can take appropriate within-field language attributes. This option is probably not appropriate for any plain-text fields, since those cannot take in-field language attributes.
Option 2:
Require the editor to confirm whether they have translated each edited field on the translated instance.
If option 2 is chosen, adding a "This field has been translated" checkbox.
10.0 ✨
It affects the ability of people with disabilities or special needs (such as blindness or color-blindness) to use Drupal.
Thanks for reporting this Charles. Just tagging.