- Issue created by @kopeboy
- 🇺🇸United States minnur San Francisco
@kopeboy you probably also need to disable /block/add path from the Paths config. See /admin/config/user-interface/dialogs/manage/administrative/dialogs on your local setup.
- 🇮🇹Italy kopeboy Milan
This wouldn't be worth a bug report if the off-canvas styling wasn't completely different from the modals and the admin theme (Claro is the default) in general.
- 🇺🇸United States minnur San Francisco
I know, the styling should be handled in the theme. Many themes don't handle modals and off-canvas well. Lets hope this module will help to improve that.
- 🇮🇹Italy kopeboy Milan
Files an issue in core, feel free to join :) https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3360933 🐛 Claro off-canvas dialog styling issues and inconsistencies Needs work
- 🇮🇹Italy kopeboy Milan
#2: I had already disabled the path and cleared the caches (with Devel link), but the link still opens the off-canvas dialog
Also note that the checkbox to disable has not text (accessibility issue).
- 🇺🇸United States crutch
Claro Admin Theme
Admin Dialogs
+ other modules1. Completed #2, Add Custom Block always shows in off-canvas format for any setting. This is not really an issue for us though.
2. Deleted Add Custom Block to see if by chance it effects the first one in the list and it doesn't.
I found this module in the Drupal Newsletter. Thank you! - 🇺🇸United States minnur San Francisco
Ok, I think I figured this out. The status checkbox works as expected.
Also custom blocks controlled in two dialog configs:
1. Add Custom Block - see block_content_add_action
2. Paths - see */block/add*I wasn't sure if I should be clearing Drupal cache when making dialog changes so I put a little note at the top of the Admin Dialogs listing page.
After making changes you need to clear Drupal cache.
- Status changed to Needs review
10 months ago 8:00am 9 March 2024 - Status changed to Fixed
9 months ago 2:21pm 11 April 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.