- Issue created by @Austin986
For calendar view, contextual filter only applies for Start Date when calendar date field is Date range type.
1. Create Event content type with event_date field of Date range type.
2. Create an event that happens across 2 months. ex: 2023-05-28 ~ 2023-06-03
3. Check Monthly calendar for 2023-06 to see if the event is present.
It appears on 2023-05 calendar, but not appearing on 2023-06 calendar.
4. Create an event that happens across 2 weeks. ex: starts on Saturday, ends on next Tuesday.
5. Check Weekly calendar to see if this event is present in Next Week.
Spent some hrs to discover how it 's working for contextual filters, but can not find any logic in Calendar module itself.
It might have to be fixed in other modules or core level.
If fix is to be made, should be done in same place with Week view - Sunday event is missing when Week starts from Sunday 🐛 Week view - Sunday event is missing when Week starts from Sunday Active