While most phpcs issues are being fixed by
Fix the issues reported by phpcs
Needs review
, I feel this one requires special attention:
FILE: ...evelopment/ddev/accessbyref-3357621/web/modules/contrib/access_by_ref/src/Controller/AbrconfigListBuilder.php
78 | WARNING | Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
This is caused by the ABR Config page, which displays help text on how to use the module.
Steps to reproduce
Checkout the 3357621-phpcs-fixes branch.
Execute the command: phpcs --standard=Drupal,DrupalPractice --extensions=php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme,css,js,info,txt,md,yml,twig web/modules/contrib/access_by_ref/
Proposed resolution
There are several approaches that could be taken:
- Ignore the warning
We could decide a variable is the best way to deal with this text and ignore this warning. If we do this, we could prefix the line with // phpcs:ignore
- Change to a single string
The we could combine the concatenated string into a single multi-line string, possibly using PHP's <<< END
- Use multiple t() calls
Instead of a single translate call on the whole message, we could break into individual paragraphs and translate each separately.
- Move text out of the code
We could take the text out of the class, and specify a template for the render array. We could then move the text into a .twig template. Text in .twig can be translated with {% trans %}
Having this much text in a PHP class seems sub-optimal to me, so moving to a template would seem a cleaner approach to me, but I'd like to hear opinions before I implement.
Remaining tasks
User interface changes
API changes
Data model changes