- Issue created by @charles belov
The install system warns me if I try to install an experimental module; I can either continue or cancel. This presents me with a usability issue if I have selected to install both experimental and non-experimental modules at the same time. There is no way to cancel only the experimental installation.
I am marking this as a bug rather than as a feature request because it results in lost work if I prevent the experimental installation.
1. Log in as an administrator
2. Go to /admin/modules
3. Check Content Moderation, Media, Media Library, Responsive Image, Workflows, Help Topics, Content Translation and Language.
4. Click Install.
Expected result:
Experimental modules are provided for testing purposes only. Use at your own risk.
The following module is experimental: Help Topics.
Would you like to continue with the above?
Followed by three buttons (wording can be bikeshedded):
Continue (all)
Continue (nonexperimental only)
Cancel all
Actual result:
Experimental modules are provided for testing purposes only. Use at your own risk.
The following module is experimental: Help Topics.
Would you like to continue with the above?
Followed by two buttons:
5a. Clicking continue installs all modules, including the experimental one.
5b. Clicking cancel cancels the complete installation. None of the boxes that I checked in the previous stop are now checked. I have to redo my decisions about which modules to activate, taking care not to choose the experimental one.
10.0 β¨
Makes Drupal easier to use. Preferred over UX, D7UX, etc.