Allow users to enter a token for [content-type] in the "Previous"/"Next" text

Created on 5 April 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 3 May 2023, almost 2 years ago


Currently users can choose what text appears in the "Previous"/"Next" links, but there isn't a token available to include the content type in this text. As a result there are currently two main patterns users would tend to follow:

  • Just "Previous" and "Next". This poses an accessibility issue because the link text isn't understandable without visual context.
  • "Previous article" and "Next article". But this isn't accurate since it should really be "Previous article of this content type"

Proposed resolution

  1. Allow users to enter [content-type] as a token in the "Previous"/"Next" text fields, and add a description to the fieldset saying the token is available.

  2. In addition, "Previous"/"Next" text fields could be added for each content type to override the global setting. So if there's a certain content type name that users want to display differently in the "Previous"/"Next" field they can do so.

Using a token (as opposed to an "Append content type to text" checkbox) would allow for variation based on language - for instance, French users could enter "[content-type] suivant", and I can imagine there's languages where the token would go in the middle of the phrase.

(currently working on MR)

Feature request






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